Saturday, July 16, 2011

1 gallon of milk

I made finnish rice pudding, and custard. Mmmm! I used a whole gallon of milk today! looking at the amounts of each recipe 1 gallon makes, I don't want a cow. thats too much milk! I'll be trying to eat just these recipes before they go bad! Should last a few days in the least!

It was my first time making custard. it turned out.

Whats sad is my moms garden. all dried out. Not much to be done for it but water it and hope it comes back strong enough to grow more food. She lost so many plants. All because the timer stopped working. At least my sister noticed it was parched looking and started watering it maually. Probably saved the rest of the garden.

I ended up getting another headache yesterday. Felt more like bad pressure than pain really. It lasted through the night and partway into the morning today before finally going away... wish I could figure out whats causing them!

I guess I'll have to watch very carefully what I eat for a while to see if I can figure it out! I'm guessing it's either chocolate, corn syrup, or some sort of food preservative!

Help! I can't figure it out!

Anyways, have a great day. My day has been sorta boring and empty and I've been lazing around in my tiredness! I'm even too lazy to just get my camara out and take a picture of my transformed gallon of milk!

But how hard is that? Hold on.... TA -DAAAA!!!!
 Now I've gotta go clean my kitchen! Or else we might have to order pizza cause I won't cook supper in this mess!
Bye! See ya later!

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