Friday, July 29, 2011


After I asked my husband to help me pull the grass out from my garden,
I was racing to pull all of my cute cantaloupe and watermelon vines out of the way and pull the dead grass real fast around them so it wouldn't spread to them and burn them.
 Whew! I saved them! I'm just lucky (but not lucky) that the grass was still mostly green and alive in my garden!

I decided too late to take a video so you can't see it race real fast along the border till it got to the moister grass near the end where I took a video of it. I was too busy anyway trying to save the plants. But you get the idea and you can see the black trail.

I had a fun day today. We went on a bunch of errands, and then went to the Desert Sky Mall. Then we went out for a 4:00 Supper, to Saver's, and then came home and did yard work.

I can't wait till tomorrow to take pictures of my beautiful backyard!!! It's too dark now. The sun decided to go down while we were finishing. I planted my pineapple plants! They're no longer sitting in a row on the counter in water. now they're just on the counter in pots trying to be happy enough to survive the shock of trying to survive in water so long.
 I'm babysitting my mother in law's plant we gave her for her birthday while she's on vacation. Hers is the red one. mine is the yellow.
 Look what I got at Saver's! I'm thinking I may attempt to make a dress... and check out the bracelet kit I found for just $3.99! It seems to have all the pieces too! Maybe someone made 1 bracelet, gave up and got rid of it. Either way, lucky me!!!
 I just absolutely love how this dog uses the door step for a bench/bed... I also love it when he backs up to it and sits on it with all his feet on the patio. I think his feet always look hilarious no matter what his position! Check out his back leg- the one he's laying on...  Me: "Attractive Cruizer..."
And yes, that's his incredible armless monkey. He kept pulling off the arms, and I kept resewing them back on, till he ripped them up so badly, there wasn't anything to sew on anymore. He loves it all the same.

Anyways, I'll write more tomorrow with pictures of my backyard!
Have a great night!

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