Monday, September 12, 2011


Oh dear.....   how are we (me and my husband) supposed to eat all that before it goes bad???
 TA-DA!! There's the new door!!! ( I haven't yet woken up the house so it's kinda dark still)
 And my baby pineapple plants are taking off! I can see the new growth-maybe not you! I am so excited!!!
 Am I the only weird person who loves to look out at my green patch of garden through my new door? I find I keep looking out and looking out and looking out at it! I just can't believe how the watermelon and cantaloupe vines are taking over the fence!

  I just know that in a couple of months, it will look like this: (minus the lettuce bolt towers)
 So I think I will enjoy just looking out and looking out and looking out.... while I can.
BLURRRRRRR (can you tell I took it through the rainy window while we were driving?)- this is the drive to Flagstaff- about 2 miles was fog and what looked like snow all over here and there, but we figured it musta HAILED! I took this picture too late after we passed the "snow". you can still see some.
 Here was towards the end- the next 2 seconds we were out of it. POOF! just like that!
Made for a fun drive! I'm getting so excited just like I do every year for fall and the colors it brings! red, brown, orange, tan, yellow, Burgundy, gold, maroon, fire engine red.
-Just had to throw that last one in there cause it sounded good. I can't remember where or when I heard or read that term before, but oh boy, I figured they just had to pick a name for their color that just POPed out and grabbed the buyers attention or something!

But OOOOHHHHHH! the weather was so pretty up there! I felt like moving there! I want to stay there! Open window weather all summer!

My seedling tray that the dog has miraculously left alone so far- sprouting!:
Pretty tree seedlings from the park within the community we used to live in:
yellow/orange flowered honeysuckle bushes (five million!) that I gathered from a house.
Mexican bird of paradise from seeds from the first house we lived in.
Mesquite tree seedling from seed pods I gathered from the neighborhood of the first house we lived in:
(the 4 pods of dirt are filled with seeds. only 1 came up.)

ANYWAYS, time for me to go enjoy my HUGE stack of library books I gathered yesterday and MOM??? where are you????
COME         GET       A         WATERMELON!!!!!
They're backing up! 3 in the fridge and 30 in the garden and still a bag of cut watermelon we still hafta eat....... and the squash, Oh my! Who woulda thought that when it started producing that I would have them coming outta my ears???? I wonder if I could use it in place of zucchini for zucchini bread... any ideas? would it taste the same???


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