Wednesday, September 7, 2011

open house today: all are welcome

Yup, My husband removed the door last night. we slept with no AC and had bugs everywhere after the lights were on last night. You sleep well??? It's still warm in the house. Cruizer loves it! in and out in and out... if only now I could convince him he really didn't need me up to witness him peeing in the morning when he can let himself out....  but I won't bother training him. the new door should be in tonight! :-)

 The breezes blow in...
 The breezes blow out.
carrying dust. and bugs.

and yup, just as planned, I now have no cleaning to do except make messes and waste time:

 I pitted all these cherries and now don't know what to do with them. I would like to make cherry pie filling but have no experience cooking with cherries.... so here they sit till I can figure out what to do with them. I just might freeze them till I figure it out.
 I started making no pectin grape jelly today. here it is draining.
and yes, duh I work in a sanitary work environment. (everything is dusty and hopeless whan you have breezes blowing in and out at their convenience). Just remember you don't have to eat any.

and back to this mess:   Didja hafta lick it Cruizer?????? (it's stuck- might have to chip it off)
 I highly doubt Cruizer will help me clean it up. here he is watching me take a picture of his mess so curious:
OOOOOHHHHH nice slimming picture huh Cruizer???

Anyways, I gotta go cause I leave in an hour, (leaving 1/2 hour late!) and I got fruit just sittin!

So that's my day so far! -stuff to cross off the list of things to do before I leave, NONE!

Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you got your door in! That's not fun to sleep in sticky hot. But anyways, I hope you both have a fun and great anniversary weekend in Flagstaff! I'm excited for you two, that will be a nice vacation :)
