Thursday, September 29, 2011

Guess What?!?!?!?!!!!!

5 more days of work till vacation.
5 more days to wait.
5 more days to think of something to do.
5 more days to clean my house.
5 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!
Then Disneyland!!!! And California!!!!!
I'm so excited I cannot wait. I have butterflies of excitement in my tummy and cannot sit still long enough to do anything!

Yesterday I shredded almost all of my squash- 46 cups (generous- I heaped them a little)plus 1 made into zucchini bread, and an entire gallon bag stuffed full of cubed squash plus 2 more whole squash for steaming in the fridge, and more coming in the garden. I might have to try make squash pickles and just can some with vinegar and salt to store and I can rinse off the juices and cook as a side dish...

(and remember- I gave away at least 5-6 squash- some were large)
 Above: an entire 1/2 of my bottom freezer drawer. Below: the top 1/2 of my fridge. 1 bag Cubed, 2 bags shredded.
I guess I can't buy more groceries unless I eat it all up. The big bag of ice will go with us to California and will make more room. I'll probably make 2 cups into loaves to bring with as well. we'll probably finish off the big gallon of sherbet in the freezer before we go... Maybe there's hope after all...

Now I know what they say is true... If you grow zucchini, you'll have them coming outta your ears! Believe me! With all I have stored away, I'll not have to grow them for probably 2 years! That's 47 loaves of zucchini bread! Maybe more maybe less as I find other uses for it all and as my garden still provides!

I'm thinking:
  • zucchini bread
  • squash pancakes
  • squash latkes
  • steamed squash
  • squash muffins
  • etc..
  • any ideas???
  • "pumpkin" bread?
The garden, it provideth a lot. Still.
3 Cantaloupe I picked yesterday: MMMMMMM they smell yummy!
 And my pickles I made the other day. I'm so proud of them! I'm still hoping they taste good! I'll give them another 2 weeks to soak in flavor before I crack open the first jar! (This picture is old. the kitchen is now clean, and the pickles are on the shelf. )

But wow! so much food! and this is the first year I'm actually getting enough to save! And give away!
I'm finding my garden soil grows watermelon, Armenian cucumbers, cantaloupe, squash, and zinnias really well. One year I had butternut squash coming outta my ears, (I was so happy when it finally froze!) I'm kinda weird cause I'm now hoping I'll get more squash so I can try make pickles outta them!

Anyways, I gotta go find something to do- maybe clean my house or something! Maybe I'll look for more food in the garden! I leave in 5 days!!!!

I'm so excited!
Have fun today!

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