Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Look at what I picked yesterday morning!! (that ruler is a 15 inch one!)
AND..... after I left to work, Cruizer decided to pull a brand new bag of flour off the counter..... and then try lick it up....my husband cleaned most of it. He said it was all over... I guess when I clean  the floors next, I gotta pay extra attention to this spot... (that's a rag on the floor)
 Here is the puppy.
"what? I didn't do it! you shouda seen those other people that came in after you left..."
Anyways, that's how my life has been around here. CRAZY!

at work, it's another story. I'm still trying to train the brand new servers we just started, (almost every one of my old servers started school...) and because Boss is on vacation, I had to put the order in for food,

and I had the worse difficulty trying to convince our linen company that "yes, I do need linen NOW!!!!"  I called them 3 times over 2 days and they gave me the runaround... and so I called the Boss and then I got linen. I guess when the boss says she'll be NASTY to them, she is. the delivery guy says to her " I never got your messages!" even though she left the 4th message with the answering service people and never mind that I talked directly with the delivery guy on Sunday... boss told me he lied. I love it when my boss sticks up for me!

SO. My day yesterday was horrible. all the time I wasted training the new people the last 2 weeks how we change out our linen after every meal no matter what if it was sat at, Throw  it out the window. the new motto the last 2 days was if it's not that dirty and the food didn't go through to the other side, turn it over and re-use it. P.   U.  

Then they delivered a nasty rusty orange colored table cloth. -said they were out of our color. REALLY???  So we had a tie-dye dining room when we reset last night. I hope our regular delivery guy is back from his vacation today for delivery! my eyes are hurting from that color! But I was happy to not have to use the same tablecloths a third time in a row!

SO..... now I get to try see if my ear can be looked at. I think I've had an ear infection for about a month now... AND.. I get to pack. we are going to Flagstaff for our 7th anniversary Friday!!!.... AND.... No dog this time! My sister will be puppy sitting him!!!

SO now I get to clean my house, work every day, clean the office, do laundry, see a doctor, pack, write out and pack a menu, write up a paper with how we care for OUR dog (he's not like anyone Else's I promise! I've seen many and grew up with dogs), all by Thursday. We leave Friday. Will I get it done?
  • 3 days.
  • 21.5 more hours of work each day
  • about 2-3 hours to clean the office
  • 3 hours drive time to and from work those 3 days
  • = 26.5 -27.5 hours away from home time over the next 3 days
  • 72 hours total for the 3 days
  • -27.5 work
  • =44.5
  • -16 hours I will sleep within those 72 hours
  • =28.5
  • -3hours time to eat
  • =25.5
  • -3 I've already wasted this morning
  • =22.5 left for living and I haven't eaten breakfast yet.
  • can I do it?
I think I can do it. It seems like so much time left, but I seriously don't know where it goes. wake up, let the dog out, feed the dog, eat, read a book or sit around or sit at computer, do dishes or other simple chore, make something if I feel like it- yesterday banana bread, today, cookie dough, Wednesday is grocery shopping morning. After morning stuff is done, feed the dog, eat something myself, get ready for work, leave at 10:30AM, home by 7:30-8PM feed the dog if my husband hasn't, sit down, eat supper if I didn't at work, relax with my husband, or computer time, go to bed hopefully by 10PM.

Day starts again with whimpers from the dog at 6AM to let him out...  It's an endless cycle. not much gets done. It feels like today my eyes aren't awake yet...

But I gotta get started. I still have to eat breakfast I've only eaten a spoonful of cookie dough so far! and I should at least sweep or something huh? and I gotta get my ear checked out! and goodness! It's already almost 9AM! guess that will have to wait till tomorrow! right after shopping or something. I gotta leave in an hour and a half!

Have a great day! I just might write something here if I get a chance to before we leave on our weekend!

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