Friday, September 23, 2011

Yay! Baby's out!

I received a call last night from my sister. Baby waited all day to come and finally came after 11PM. I was so relieved to hear he is healthy, 8lbs 1oz and a beautiful baby. My brand new baby nephew!

I get to see him today!!!! I am sooooo excited!

yesterday we had our house painted. We went from this:
 To this: I stubbornly did NOT want the bricks painted. I'm hoping it looks OK. I like to look at unpainted brick
 Here is one of the painters trying to cover the front window: Hee Hee I took a picture of him!
 I think everything ties together now. It all matches. Notice the dog always has to smell the watermelon??? I don't get it. It never smells like anything till you cut it open...
 And yesterday morning I took a picture of the sun peeking around the saguaro. It's growing 2 new arms!
 And yesterday I started 2 recipes of English muffins. The first is sourdough:
 The second, just regular.
I've always been curious to make them, and now I did. I'll cook them when they finally raise.

For now, I gotta finish my breakfast and try think of what to do till I call my sister at 10AM.
I can't wait to see that baby!
Have a great day! Cause this is going to be baby's first day with sunshine! and he's going to be so sick of us all passing him back and forth and fighting over him!
But he'll get used to it! My other nephew did!

See ya later! Trisha

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