Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Starts of Painting

A new view! They pressure washed first... Good thing I never clean my windows huh?
 Guess what I found in the garden this morning? OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!!!!! (maybe 4 of those were already in the fridge)
More Squash! I knew you would never ever guess that!

Oh dear.... and I saw more big watermelons. HELP!

3 big ones, A millions tiny watermelons, thousands of squash ripening per day, etc... etc... etc...

BUT...I am so excited today! My new baby nephew will be arriving here today. and then after work, maybe I can go visit him! I cannot wait to see him! I'm sure he's going to be just as cute and precious as my other 2. (-Just cause my sister's only popped out the cutest.)

Don't get me wrong, I love all babies, It's just a different feeling altogether when they are of your own sister's blood. I'm not sure why. They are just so special. Maybe it's just instinct kicking in to gather together to protect and raise your own, but it just feels different. I just don't know how to explain it. Like it feels acceptable to kiss their cute cheeks while it feels like other parents are going to look at you as a giant germ if you kiss their kid... Don't know... I'm just saying....


Anyways, I'm going to most likely meet my new nephew TODAY!!!!

So I'll see you later! I gotta go watch them paint or I might bore you by repeating myself over and over about my new nephew, and Disneyland! And I get to see him all weekend! I got my 4 day weekend off starting tomorrow! Then I get to help my sister out! And hold my new baby nephew!

So, have a great day! Cause today will most likely be my new nephew's Birthday!

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