Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Progress At Last

Remember that big pile of bricks? I moved them this morning all by myself. It now looks like this:
 We are getting the outside of our house painted tomorrow. My fingers are raw, swollen, and red. I also have cuts and slivers  all over and a bruise on one knuckle. I'm feeling very sorry for myself. I'll have to wear gloves all day at work so I don't get them all infected. But look! All moved! including the tree branches from the tree we cut down out front many moons ago. (I'm planning on a campfire) I had to keep thinking of something else while I was moving the bricks each time I remembered I'd have to move them again when I lay my brick walkway again.
 Them cucumbers just don't stop do they? they are completely taking over the border around my garden. and going outside the fence. notice the squash at the bottom of the picture? they're doing the same.
 My garden is so thick and dense, it's nearly impassable now. You have to go hiking just to get through. Here is the squash and beans and a zinnia. Remember these are at least 3 feet tall. some are taller.
 Around the corner, squash still growing. who would have thought squash could grow like that? It's growing along the ground like a vine. in the background, strawberries, watermelon and cantaloupe.
 and my poor poor strawberries. I don't know whats wrong with them, nor do I have time to study what is inflicting them. But they are barely hanging on. I just picked a baby strawberry this morning though!
 And oh dear! Another big one!
 Oh dear! more starting to grow!
 OH DEAR! I absolutely have to transplant my seedlings!
I have 13 full days until my vacation starts! Disneyland!!!!!!!
I am so excited! I absolutely cannot wait!

I have to eat breakfast and get ready for work now, So have a good day!

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