Saturday, April 28, 2012

Rock and Roll

First Rock:

Then someones head's going to Roll:
 Someone has been busy digging around in my garden. I don't suspect the dog or humans.
They left evidence. My strawberry and bell pepper. Un-eatable.
Have a good day!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Duck, Duck, NO GOOSE!

I walked out of work on my break, and saw this. EEEW gross. So I stepped around it...
 Quack Quack Quack... WHAT???!!?
 There were ducks.
 2 of them.
And no water around except a few puddles left from the rain.

 I picked 2 strawberries this morning. The one on the left is store bought and the typical store bought size. Mine are getting bigger!
Have a happy day!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cloudy Day

Uhggh... I don't like days like this:
 I like to tell Cruizer "GO GET THE CHICKEN!!!" When I see birds like this because he chases them off, but today I just took a picture of it.
This is the kind of day it is today. Uhggh. the starts of a headache.
 My garden looks like this: this morning. Nice and clear.
 Because of this: We burned most of the branches.
 My calla lilly has survived! Now I dare not move it. It is happy.
 And every one of my pineapple plants have survived and turned into pinneapple plants: I am a master gardener. Some look dead, but I assure you, my larger ones in the background looked the same:
 And my bedroom is almost finished:
I feel like crawling back into bed and sleeping but I know I can't. My day has already started. With the clouds. -even though I didn't invite them.

Hope there's no clouds in your day!

Monday, April 23, 2012


Earth Day equals: 2 bags. 1 with samples from Target:
Is that a Date Palm sprout? Or a piece of grass:
Strawberries! Check out the funny bunny one! This is my biggest one yet!
And Holy Cow! My bell pepper is growing big peppers!
And Asparagus 3 outta 3! The one in the middle looks like it has Christmas ornament bells hanging off of every branch!
And cloudy hummingbird feeder water equals organic raw sugar:
Life here has been very interesting lately and busy. Now life returns to normal, and work starts again tomorrow. Today I am hoping to get my hair cut, and I have to return to Target for the third time for hanging file folders. I bought one box and they were were too long, returned and bought a new one, and one folder has this hole and weird growth on it, and 1/2 the box's metal hangers are bent. So now for the third time, hopefully all will be well. I shall be peeking in the box before I even buy them.

See you later!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Planted palms, and chickens wear diapers!

We planted the 2 palms on either side of the palm tree.
It's nice to see green back there along the fence...
And this bird is NOISY! I'm in the backyard peeking over the roof with big time zoom and took a picture of him. See him at the very top?

I bought this package of 4 chicken legs at the store, and threw it in the freezer. Last night in order to make enchiladas, I had to thaw it out. On the package, I read enhanced with 15% chicken broth. and I wondered: "What makes up the the other 85%?" And with peeling back the the soaker pad, I realized it was wearing a diaper because all this jell came squishing out! 
I was repulsed and sickened and this will most likely turn me off of buying any meat for a while unless it doesn't have the diaper chemicals. Who eats out of a diaper? We know the chemicals in them are bad.

So my day was busy yesterday with cleaning and planting and cooking. I also planted 4 date palms. I had 4 seeds sprout. I'm waiting for the other 2 to show me they are viable before I plant those also.

So what did you do yesterday?

Monday, April 16, 2012

We got bedside table lamps!!!!

 My room is almost finished!
 I think they're so cute!
 Yup, Yup, Yup, I'm excited! Here's my lamp!
 I got lamps!!!!
And Yes, my house IS dusty. I told you, and I admit it is so now we all know.

Anyone eat starfruit?? It reminds me of fresh apricots and it has a FRESH flavor. The juiciness reminds me almost of watermelon but MMMMMMMMMM! And the aroma is such a powerful delicious delightful aroma! (well worth the 3 dollars we bought it for at Winco.)

Winco actually really has wonderful prices! It's just like their ad on the bus bench billboard: "WOW!"

So yesterday I went to Fry's for something to bring to the park, went to the park, went to Winco, went to driving all around for a place to cut my hair, and figured out there's about 20 in about a 2 mile radius by my house, and not 1 was open!

So today I clean my house, and get my hair cut.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Taking a Break

I'm taking a break today. We went to the park for the Sunday School Picnic, and got a little burned. Then we went to Winco and shopped! And last night, we went to ....

You find out tomorrow. But it's exciting!

Remember I'm taking a break and can't write anymore- it's too strenuous...


Saturday, April 14, 2012


It rained!!!!!! It poured! (I didn't even notice it was raining) It soaked the ground good huh?
Before asparagus:
Today asparagus:
More strawberries!
New baby bell peppers!
I still am amazed I made cupcakes in egg shells and it turned out!:
Life is so full of amazing things today wouldn't you agree?
I have nothing new going on right now. I get to go into work later because I'm over hours so I get a break. (and a Saturday Morning).

Our Church is having it's annual Sunday school picnic tomorrow which I'm getting excited to go to. I already know I'll get sunburned, so I think I'll be the weirdo with the umbrella and big straw hat this year. Maybe I'll see you there?


Friday, April 13, 2012

Oh Drat!

Of all the luck.
My soap dish fell into the sink and broke.
Right in half.

Now I need to find a new one.

Have a good day!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Summer's coming!

Ohhhh dear. I really should stop planting more pineapples huh? I'm at 12 total right now...
 Now that it's warmer, the dog loves being outside. (as long as you're out there too.)
No more burn spot!
Summer must be here! We have more strawberries!
Even though it's cooler today and cloudy for the last few days, I think summer's coming.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Asparagus and other important things

There be asparagus comin' up in that thar' garden!
 these 2 pictures are what they looked like after they first came up
 This is what they look like now:
 My strawberries are still all growing. the baby one at the bottom is very strong. It got sprayed with herbicide by accident and it survived!
 My seedlings need to be transplanted right now but the garden isn't ready yet...
 And my husband put up the cork board but this time above the buffet!
Life lately has been wonderful. The weather is nice and the birds have been singing. It's weird waking up at the crack of dawn hearing birds squawking and chirping away.

The windows and doors are open all day long at least when someone is home.

Have a great day!