Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Me. I am fat. I weigh more than I am supposed to. I have joined forces with the obese American population. Lately I have been dreaming of eating healthy and proper.

Do you know in the 1970's The people cried out "take the fat out of our food!" So the manufacturers did. But the food tasted gross and unflavorful. So they added sugar. They still have sugar in the food. My husband was born in the 1970's, and I in the 1980's.


We never stood a chance! Everywhere we went and ate we had extra sugar added. We don't know what a normal meal tastes like unless it's homemade without the added sugar. There's sugar in bread, in crackers, in pizza sauce, in spaghetti sauce...  It's basically in EVERYTHING!!!!!

They changed the whole USA's taste buds to think sugar is a flavor you're supposed to taste!

Example: Spaghetti sauce is made of tomatoes, olive oil, herbs, etc... In 1970's, the cry changed that to less olive oil ("it's fat!"), and they added sugar to make up for the loss in flavor. Even though you lose all the health benefits of healthy olive oil- the good fat.

Did you know sugar helps the body hold onto fat?

Even my counter has more sugar than good stuff!
Did you know that out of my 4 canisters for cooking 3 of them are different sugars? And I am constantly having to refill them because we go through them? I need to remove them from the counter. My other canister holds flour. Not the healthy whole grain kind, but white. NOT HEALTHY!
 I also just made Pulla, and Cinnamon Rolls, and used white flour and sugar in both. SMART.
 I really need to start using more whole grains and honey and other natural sweeteners like applesauce and fruits.
 HELLO??!?!?! I have lots of whole grains! Why am I not using them???
 Is it because I'm used to eating sugar and they don't taste sweet to me? Or do I just not know how to make them properly???

I have told my husband of 7 1/2 years- We need to change our diet to a more healthy one. Since we got married I've gained almost 20 pounds. I guess I cook fattening sugary meals or else it's the lack of exercise.
P.    U.

Tuesday morning I broke out the exercise equipment. See? I've had the tools to fix the problem! They will sit out in plain view until I start using them.

I hope that will be soon!

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