Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cloudy Day

Uhggh... I don't like days like this:
 I like to tell Cruizer "GO GET THE CHICKEN!!!" When I see birds like this because he chases them off, but today I just took a picture of it.
This is the kind of day it is today. Uhggh. the starts of a headache.
 My garden looks like this: this morning. Nice and clear.
 Because of this: We burned most of the branches.
 My calla lilly has survived! Now I dare not move it. It is happy.
 And every one of my pineapple plants have survived and turned into pinneapple plants: I am a master gardener. Some look dead, but I assure you, my larger ones in the background looked the same:
 And my bedroom is almost finished:
I feel like crawling back into bed and sleeping but I know I can't. My day has already started. With the clouds. -even though I didn't invite them.

Hope there's no clouds in your day!

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