Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I made a turkey yesterday. I made a fresh herb butter rub with butter, fresh garlic, fresh sage, fresh rosemary, dried thyme, dried sage, salt and pepper. I saved the sage stems and an extra sprig of rosemary to put inside the bird. I chopped up 1 large onion, 2 sticks of celery with leaves, 3 medium carrots, and 3 crushed peeled garlic cloves.
I stuffed the bird with onions, celery and herbs, and put the carrots, garlic and remaining veggies around the bird in the pan. I smeared the butter rub under the skin over the breasts and over the entire bird and added a bit of water:
And put it in the oven at 325 for 20 minutes per pound of turkey. Mine was 22 pounds.
At this point, I laughed and thought how on earth am I going to baste this thing? The secret was very carefully with a ladle but I still made a mess in the oven. I had to keep an eye on the juices coming out because it overflowed once! I had to keep removing broth as it baked! I have lots of delicious broth!
That's what I get for not using a real turkey roasting pan! And I got to clean out the oven before I went to bed last night!
But the turkey was sooooo good! I filled up 5 freezer bags with turkey meat and another bag with 5 large chunks from the breasts. 
I saved the carcass and will be making bone broth tomorrow.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!


Monday, November 24, 2014


This picture of Cruizer makes me laugh.  
He looks so old and frumpy. His hair sticks up all fuzzy like because he'd just had a bath.
I'm still trying to figure out how to use our new computer so bear with me while I figure out how to find the pictures I upload to it. I will put updates of my new house when I get it all figured out. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

We Moved In!

After waiting and waiting and waiting, we moved in. And it felt like a dream! It still doesn't feel like I'm here. It's starting to feel more like home now, but I think that after so long of knowing we were going to be moving in and it not happening for so long, I find it hard to believe that we are here finally!
We had all the appliances installed, and bought a washer and dryer. I also have a wash tub in my laundry room! I have never had one but I've always wanted one!
I'm going to have a busy baking weekend. I hope yours will be fun!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Fixtures and Counters!

I didn't take a picture of the bathroom vanity, toilet and bathtub, but you will eventually see a picture of them in future posts, but when we had the kitchen counter tops put in, they also installed the same in the bathroom!
We had these 2 cupboards switched so it would be easier to get into them because that door in the middle gets in the way otherwise.
Then we had handles installed on the kitchen cabinets
We picked out a bathroom fixture set style but aren't installing every piece from that set:
After the counters were in, we had a plumber install the faucets and get the tub and toilet working. After all that cured, we had an inspection and didn't pass so the electrician had to come back out and trade out every outlet in the house to tamper resistant plugs because it's code now even if we don't have kids. We are now the only house in the entire neighborhood up to code. It didn't seem fair that any other house around us has the normal plug outlets but ours had to be tamper resistant. But that's code and we wanted to move in, so we fixed it up, and passed the next time!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Paint and Appliances

After all the windows, doors and trim were installed, we went on to painting.
This is before:
This is after:
We picked a grey color called surreal blue. I wanted to go for the greys this time. I was getting so sick and tired of the neutral tans and beige's that we have painted every past house we have lived in just because they sell a house well. So we went for fresh and bold. What I found quite hilarious and entertaining is after we painted, every construction worker who came in after said that greys are the new thing and are coming in style! I had to try not harrumph in their face! I didn't paint my house grey because everybody else is going to start to do it, I painted it grey because I wanted a relaxing calming house that wasn't tan any longer and a color I knew would look like the kind of house I wanted to live in and to set it apart from all the other houses! This house is one we will be living in for a long time! This is a new chapter in our life starting off with a fresh color! I had no clue we would accidentally be in style! Go figure! :-D
Next, we picked out appliances and had them delivered:
At this point, we had moved some of our furniture into the house also.
It's always fun after the paint is up to get a feeling of how the house will feel living in it! It brings life into it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Windows, Trim And Doors

Before we could paint, we had to have the windows, doors and trim installed. They delivered the doors and trim one morning and made stacks and piles all over the living room.
This is a picture of our master closets. Mine is the one on the right. They installed sliding doors after. I just realized I didn't take many pictures of the interior doors and trim, but if you look at the closet floor along the bottom of the wall, the trim is there. This picture was actually taken right before they painted the inside of the house.
Then the windows were installed! This made me extremely happy because not only were the old windows all replaced, but the 2 holes on the back of the house were finally closed in! Here is the new slider door, and kitchen window. They fit so well in the openings!
At this point, I wanted to move in even more. It was secure, but it still didn't have a toilet or a sink so it would have been difficult. But I still wanted to move in!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Cabinets And Tile!

In go the kitchen cabinets!
 The opening on the island is the place for the microwave.
It was so weird to see the kitchen come together where there was nothing for the longest time! And fun to imagine the appliances that would fill the gaps in the cabinetry.
 The installer was still installing them when I took this picture.
In goes the tile!
See the microwave? That was the only appliance for a long time!
At this point, I could hardly wait to move in! In the above picture, you can see thin boards holding up the security screen covering the window :-D While it looked horrible having them held up with boards, they served a purpose because we had to remove the pulley systems inside the house to drywall so if they fell, we would be in complete darkness inside until they were removed because we would have no way to roll them up again. So ghetto house it was for a while!

Friday, November 14, 2014

I'm Back

I have been so busy with organizing my new home. Yes! We moved in! Actually about a month ago, but life has been so hectic. We got Internet about 2 weeks ago, but I haven't felt ready to start blogging.
For the month and a half we were between houses, I didn't blog. I didn't have my own computer set up at that time. And lately we have been so busy with settling in and furniture shopping, life has been very crazy. Who would have thought picking out a table would be so difficult? Then next is a new couch set because the ones from the condo are too small. Next week I'll start blogging again and show you how we finished our house.
In the meantime, fall has started and with it, cooler weather and a nice break from weeding. The grass and weeds are starting to die back! It has seemed like a losing battle trying to keep on top of it. So I am not only happy to see fall which is my favorite time of year, but I am happy I can also concentrate at turning the inside of my house into a home.
This home is a new experience for me and it still has me in a dream state of mind. I haven't allowed myself to feel truly at home in all the past houses because I knew they wouldn't be permanent. This house is going to be a place where we will live for a long time so I'm excited to decorate it.
We are home.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


We are actually having tile installed right now today, but I'm sure you want to see what we've already done. This is right after we had the drywall put up. It is textured "Santa Fe" about 90% smooth. Here is the kitchen and living room. I'm standing in the dining room:
Here I'm standing in the kitchen looking towards the living room:
Looking into the hallway from the living areas:
The extra bedroom:
The bathroom:
The master room looking towards the closets:
It will look more finished once we get the new doors and windows installed.

Ha Ha Tee Hee!

"When Grandma says, “I’m gonna shoot,” do you duck or say ”cheese”?!"

That saying got a bit of a chuckle out of me! It came from Leif Swanson's blog:

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Hoard

We will be moving soon. I have packed about 95% of our stuff. It is all right here in the picture. This is basically all we own. I feel like a hoarder.
Our kitchen table, bed frame/mattress, desk, coffee table and about 4 boxes worth of stuff are not in the picture...
All this for 2 adults and a dog. I guess we do live in the land of plenty and are definitely not lacking.
We have been busy busy busy with our new house. I will be posting pictures eventually but right now it's a bit crazy. We have had all the drywall finished, the kitchen cabinets installed, and have bought our tile. The new roof is water tight and we have had a couple of good storms blow through to test it. We had a huge flood in the state of Arizona recently and many people were stranded by high creeks and rivers as well as newly formed lakes and ponds. The nice thing about living here in Arizona is the flooding recedes almost right away and in a couple days, most of the water is completely gone.
Here is a link to the news about 1 part of Arizona:

The monsoons have brought moist muggy air, and mud. Monsoons create the perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes and they have been multiplying here rapidly lately. Most people wouldn't expect a desert to have mosquitoes, but they live here. I'm hoping that the monsoons will continue to dump and pull us out of the drought.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Busy Busy

It seems like it's been forever since I've been on here! We have been so crazy busy working on the new house. We have had the roof done, the AC ducts put in, the plumbing, and electrical finished, and the inspection was on Friday. WE PASSED!
Life's great when everything goes right! We have been cleaning the wood studs getting ready for drywall to go in, and putting insulation boards in between the studs. Our house is brick exterior, with 1x2 framing on the inside. We were able to get foam insulation sprayed in the bricks, and with the insulation board plus the exterior stucco when we get it done, our walls should be well insulated!
 Both these pictures are of the same spot in the living room, just one directed at the floor, and the other at the walls. Almost finished!
After the insulating boards are in, the drywall can go on, then we're going to have insulation sprayed into the attic! Then it's on to paint, cabinets, windows, counters, appliances, and all the billion fixtures and other things that make it a home!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Great Stew

I placed 4 links in here for you.
I found a delicious recipe online!
I did add about 1 Tablespoon Lawry's seasoned salt to it.
This recipe would actually be perfect for winter because it runs the crock pot all day, but in the summer I just put it outside. I usually bring it in to make the house smell yummy about 1 hour before serving, except with this recipe you do pre-brown the meat and veggies before placing in the crock pot so the house smells yummy anyways. If you are worried about the large amount of paprika, use 1 Tablespoon. It does taste good in it though and if you like the taste, go for it and put it all in!

This picture is of a cold bowl of the stew ready to be reheated. It looks even more delicious when hot.
I usually make this Roman Bread recipe from Monte's La Case Vieja to go along with stew.
I love this Roman bread. I grew up with it. The only difference with this recipe and the one I grew up with was when my grandma copied it down for my mom she had only 1/2 the yeast written down. So the recipe I remember from my childhood was a little more chewy but very delicious. The original recipe makes a light fluffy bread like the picture I took above. I decided to see how it would turn out with the full amount of yeast and it was good so try it either way! 

Friday, July 18, 2014

An Inspirational Saying On A Semi

Who'da thunk? An inspirational saying on a semi. I've seen sayings like this on semis before but I've been seeing more lately. My guess is the must own the semi and rent out their delivery services to companies because I find it hard to think a company would let their driver post such a controversial subject on their truck.
Here's what I saw the other day:
The LORD left footprints
for man to follow the
way to Heaven
You are leaving footprints
for others to follow
In your life where
does your footprints
Heaven Or Hell?

Thursday, July 17, 2014

An Interesting Story

This comes from Robin S. Sharma's book, "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" pages 190-193.
I will admit I didn't read the entire book but skipped through it and randomly stumbled upon this story within it. I though it was interesting and maybe a good life lesson.
" "When I was a young boy, my father loved to read me a fairy tale known as 'Peter and the Magic Thread.' Peter was a very lively little boy. Everyone loved him: his family, his teachers and his friends. But he did have one weakness."
"What was that?"
"Peter could never live in the moment. He had not learned to enjoy the process of life. When he was in school, he dreamed of being outside playing. When he was outside playing he dreamed of his summer vacation. Peter constantly daydreamed, never taking time to savor the special moments that filled his days. One morning, Peter was out walking in a forest near his home. Feeling tired, he decided to rest on a patch of grass and eventually dozed off. After only a few minutes of deep sleep, he heard someone calling his name. 'Peter! Peter!' came the shrill voice from above. As he slowly opened his eyes, he was startled to see a striking woman standing above him. She must have been over a hundred years old and her snow-white hair dangled well below her shoulders like a matted blanket of wool. In this woman's wrinkled hand was a magical little ball with a hole in the center and out of the hole dangled a long, golden thread."
""Peter she said, 'this is the thread of your life. If you pull the thread just a bit, and hour will pass in seconds. If you pull a little harder, whole days will pass in minutes. And if you pull with all your might, months --even years -- will pass by in days.' Peter grew very excited at this discovery. 'I'd like to have it if I may?' He asked. The elderly woman quickly reached down and gave the ball with the magic thread to the young boy.
The next day, Peter was sitting in the classroom feeling restless and bored. Suddenly, he remembered his new toy. As he pulled a little bit of the golden thread, he quickly found himself at home, playing in his garden. Realizing the power of the magic thread, Peter soon grew tired of being a schoolboy and longed to be a teenager, with all the excitement that phase of life would bring. So again he pulled out the ball and pulled hard on the golden thread.
Suddenly he was a teenager with a very pretty young girlfriend named Elise. But Peter still wasn't content. He had never learned to enjoy the moment and to explore the simple wonders of every stage of his life. Instead, he dreamed of being an adult. So again he pulled on the thread and many years whizzed by in an instant. Now he found that he had been transformed into a middle-aged adult. Elise was now his wife and Peter was surrounded with a house full of kids. But Peter also noticed something else. His once jet black hair had started to turn grey. And his once youthful mother whom he loved so dearly had grown old and frail. Yet Peter still could not live in the moment. He had never learned to 'live in the now.' So, once again, he pulled on the magic thread and waited for the changes to appear.
Peter now found that he was a ninety-year-old man. His thick dark hair had turned white as snow and his beautiful young wife Elise had also grown old and had passed away a few years earlier. His wonderful children had grown up and left home to lead lives of their own. For the first time in his entire life, Peter realized that he had not taken the time to embrace the wonders of living. He had never gone fishing with his kids or taken a moonlight stroll with Elise. He had never planted a garden or read those wonderful books his mother had loved to read. Instead, he had hurried through life, never resting to see all that was good along the way.
Peter became very sad at this discovery. He decided to go out to the forest where he used to walk as a boy to clear his head and warm his spirit. As he entered the forest, he noticed that the little saplings of his childhood had grown into mighty oaks. The forest itself had matured into a paradise of nature. He lay down on a small patch of grass and fell into a deep slumber. After only a minute he heard someone calling out to him. 'Peter! Peter!' cried the voice. He looked up in astonishment to see that it was none other than the old woman who had given him the ball with the magic golden thread many years earlier.
'How have you enjoyed my special gift?' she asked.
Peter was direct in his reply.
'At first it was fun but now I hate it. My whole life has passed before my eyes without giving me the chance to enjoy it. Sure, there would have been sad times as well as great times but I haven't had the chance to experience either. I feel empty inside. I have missed the gift of living.'
'You are very ungrateful,' said the old woman. 'Still, I will give you one last wish.'
Peter thought for an instant and then answered hastily. "I'd like to go back to being a schoolboy and live my life over again.' He then returned to his deep sleep.
Again he heard someone calling his name and opened his eyes. 'Who could it be this time?' he wondered. When he opened his eyes, he was absolutely delighted to see his mother standing over his bedside. She looked young, healthy and radiant. Peter realized that the strange woman of the forest had indeed granted his wish and he had returned to his former life.
'Hurry up Peter. You sleep too much. Your dreams will make you late for school if you don't get up right this minute,' his mother admonished. Needless to say, Peter dashed out of bed on this morning and began to live the way he had hoped. Peter went on to live a full life, one rich with many delights, joys, and triumphs, but it all started when he stopped sacrificing the present for the future and began to live in the moment."
"Amazing story," I said softly.
"Unfortunately, John, the story of Peter and the Magic Thread is just that, a story, a fairy tale. We here in the real world will never get a second chance to live life to the fullest. Today is your chance to awaken to the gift of living--before it's too late. Time really does slip through your fingers like tiny grains of sand..." "

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Imagine my "joy" when I walked into the kitchen yesterday morning while the sun was still not up all the way to blearily see in the semi darkness what I thought was a roach on the floor. I didn't turn on the lights as I didn't want it to run and hide, and I ran and grabbed my shoe and whacked it a good one and the smell hit me.
I squashed a stink bug in my house. What was it doing inside? ... Aaack! I ran and opened the windows and doors and had to wash off the stink juice from the floor because it was still there after I wiped it up. Pew!
We have purchased our kitchen cabinets for the new house. They are beautiful! They are a dark brown that almost looks black next to the light counter top we picked out. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Diagnosis

Diabetes. Cruizer has diabetes. Diabetes. Type 1 diabetes.
I have heard of people getting diabetes but have never personally been acquainted with it. With the shots and the insulin bit. I have known people who've had it. And I've heard of people getting diagnosed with it. And I know the symptoms. I knew in my heart that Cruizer either had kidney failure or diabetes or cancer. I knew it was going to be bad.
I brought him in yesterday and the vet first thought he had a bladder or kidney infection and asked for a urine sample. Well knowing my dog lately I told her no problem! And went out and was back in with a steaming bowl of it in less than 30 seconds. That's how much water he had been drinking.
Here he is standing on a high table looking to see if he can jump down from this side while I'm distracted taking a blurry picture. The nurse lowered the table, we got him on there and then he raised it, took his vitals and left. So I had to try keep a 76 pound dog on a thin waist high table for about 15 minutes until the Dr. came in.
Well she tested his urine and said it was extremely diluted and his kidney weren't working and that he must have an infection and we needed to start him on meds right away. She dipped another strip in to make sure and this new one showed his glucose was high as well. So we held him down and she drew blood. Sure enough. She said it was 680. (She wrote on his medical paper 620 so I'm not sure which one is right.) Very high. I asked her what a normal one was and she said like humans 100-120 is normal. Oh dear. He was a very sick puppy! She said his urine was diluted because of all the water he's been drinking and so spun his urine and no crystals, stones or infection so just a side affect of diabetes. He also has hot spots in his ears but no ear infection. She said all the lumps on his body were from his immune system being weakened. I said he had cysts, she called them tumors. Oh dear. She said they felt fine and lots of older dogs get them.
She said usually small dogs get diabetes. His size of dog is so rare for a diagnosis she had trouble trying to figure out the numbers for the amount he would need for insulin. She said it needs to be 1/4 his body weight to start. So 20 units of 1 cc. I hope I said that right. It's all new to me and I have no idea how to explain it. This stuff is expensive and he'll need it 2-3 times per day for the rest of his life 2 hours after each meal. I told her we feed him 3 times a day. She said I need to go down to twice a day. Oh dear. Cruizer loves his food and we're going to have a hard time with him adjusting. He's 7 years old. So for 7 years we've been feeding him 3 times a day.
My husband had appointments and work but he arrived just after she diagnosed him and I told him his options were to either give him insulin every day for the rest of his life, give him to someone who would care for his needs, or put him down. My husband likes his dog, so we'll buy insulin.
The veterinarian gave Cruizer a shot of insulin and said he would feel better in 2 hours. And he did! We have to bring him back in a week to see if he's responding to it and to see if we need to up the dosage and then bring him back a week after that to make sure it's working.
There was a huge crate with 9 puppies that were so cute! They were basically the size of Cruizer's head.
While on a walk in our condo complex a couple days ago, imagine Cruizer's excitement to turn a corner around a bush and see a cat! He was so excited he put his nose right where the cat didn't want it and the cat streaked up to him growling and bit him on the nose and held on. Cruizer just cried and yip yip whined trying to whip that cat off and it wouldn't let go.
Cruizer's nose had grown an extra foot and a half with long sharp nails plus a puffy tail.
The cat wouldn't let go even with me trying to hit it with the leash! It finally streaked off and ran up a tree and Cruizer looked like he came straight out of a murder scene with blood pouring down his snout. After we got home and I cleaned him up, turns out it was a few scratches on his highly sensitive nose! Poor dog! We have a killer feral cat on the loose here. I hope Cruizer doesn't catch anything from it!
He's had all the luck this last week!

Monday, July 14, 2014


Insomnia is the most awful thing to have. I am up for the second day in a row. This time a little before 1am. Wide awake. Mind whirling. Full of energy even though I know my body lacks sleep and is exhausted.

So far this morning I've:
  • Done the dishes
  • Cleared the counters
  • Swept off the back patio
  • Organized the bottom shelf of the cabinet by the door
  • Sorted out laundry
  • Washed a load of laundry
  • Put washed load of laundry in the dryer
  • Refilled all the soap dispensers
  • Made bread dough for 3 loaves. It's rising. I'll put it in the pans in a bit and bake them. Just think! Fresh hot bread for breakfast! (At probably 4 in the morning!)
  • Cleaned the living room
  • Next now that the dryer just beeped will be to fold the load of laundry and put it away
The dog has been confused. He tries to follow me around but he's tired. So he sleeps and when he hears me move to another area, watches me from where he lays unless I go upstairs then he follows. I feel so bad because he's not feeling the best lately.

The last 2 days when we've been away not even long and we've come back there's been pee on the floor. What? Since when? That's when me and my husband decided he must be sick. He hasn't done that since he was potty training about 7 years ago! The last few days I've been telling my husband the dog has been drinking a ton of water in an unusually large amount. I'm not surprised he couldn't hold it until we got back! It's like this: I bring him potty, come back in and he heads straight to his water dish and gulps up tons of water. Wait a little bit, repeat process.

My husband and I were discussing what other weird things he's been doing and we both noticed he's been not so excited about his food lately either. Which is very strange because anyone who knows Cruizer knows he would probably chew through a door to get to his food if he knew there was food in his dish! He's even been known to trick us into getting another meal by pretending he hasn't eaten by frantically trying to get us to follow him to his dish! He also lets us know when it's time to eat. Come to think of it, he hasn't been asking for food lately either!

So we will be taking him to the vet today. Puppy's sick.

We finished cleaning the concrete at the new house yesterday! Now next time we're there, we can sweep up the dried powder residue, and mop and it's ready for the tile! We still need drywall put in so I'm sure there will be cleanup after that. Today we are supposed to have electricians come out to rewire.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


I felt like I was mucking out a horse stall after a terrible flood with rains yesterday at the new house. (Even though I've never had the pleasure to do so in real life. Ha ha my job just smelled like wet paper not stinky poop!)
My husband rented a scraper machine and started tearing up the paper backing and glue left behind from removing the linoleum. What a mess!
My job was to pour water over the paper to soften it for the scraper, and then collect and pick up the debris. Pew! And whew! We got home about 8:30pm because we have no lighting there and it got dark and got to bed around 10:00. I woke up at 1:12 this morning with a headache and achy rubbery arms. Actually my whole body was stiff and achy, but I took Ibuprofen and it took away the pain! Yay! But, after laying in bed with my eyes closed, I finally gave up on sleep at 3:43 as it wasn't coming. So here I am at 4 in the morning updating everyone on the latest news.
I kept forgetting to take a picture of the kitchen and hallway so here it is. The bathroom is behind that wall with the black sewer pipe. Beyond that is the master. To the left of the hallway is the extra bedroom and of course I'm standing between the living room and the kitchen eating area with my back to the garage /laundry area. The front yard is to the left and the back yard is to the right.
This scraping is the most disgusting part of the remodel so far. I can handle anything else, but water and mud and glue are not fun to scrape and clean up! But guess what! We rented that machine for 24 hours, and we didn't finish yesterday, and so guess what? We get to go back and finish today! I guess we must like it! The machine has to be returned before 3pm today.
Each job done is another step closer to moving in!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Instant Cactus Bushes And The Dog

My prickly pear went from this
To this:
Now each of the 3 paddles I've planted have taken! Life is renewing as the hottest time of the year is happening! I guess it's time to get the front yard ready at the new house so I can plant them! We are still waiting for the big rains from the monsoons, but have gotten a few light showers. It has definitely cooled things off a little bit even if it has brought suffocating moisture to the air!
We went to the new house yesterday to plan out the kitchen, figure out the windows and see if we want to rearrange the master room closet and laundry room spaces. We are going to have the smallest bathroom ever. The master bath of the first house we lived in had a smaller master bath but a larger hallway bath, but this new house's bath is pretty small and the only one. We will learn how to survive though! I'm getting excited to start finishing the inside of the house so we can move in.
We will be heading over there sometime today to remove the paper backing that's glued to the floor left behind from when we had the linoleum removed. I might cut out the rest of the bushes from the front today so it can look more clean and less cluttered. The neighbor who was extremely excited to have those oleander plants has not dug them up yet. I figured she's had enough time so I will give her one more chance and if they aren't gone by the end of this weekend, I'll be chopping them down. I don't like oleanders at all. But I'm sure you already know that! :-D
I think it's funny how even though Cruizer has a bed and fluffs it and moves it all over, he still sleeps on the tile occasionally! In the winter or when he's cold he curls up in a tight little ball and sleeps in the center of his bed. I love how he places toys on his bed. Here he has his ball, his gecko, and his bone. All some of his favorites!
Cruizer gets so confused when we bring him to the new house because he has no place to call his own there yet. I always like animals to get used to their new home and to see it and get used to the smells gradually instead of bringing them there to stay for the first time and have them feel uprooted. I feel they are like kids in that sense where they take a while to adjust and might act out until they get used to it. I remember when we moved to the condo, Cruizer was so confused as he saw everything slowly make it's way onto the truck. I think he thought we were leaving him behind or something because he would follow us around frantic making sure some part of his body was touching us at all times because he knew where we were going. Once we got to the new house, we made him a spot with his belongings and he realized he was here to stay. But we would still tease him saying "want to go home?" and he'd race to the door and wait. Made me feel bad, but it helped me realize the condo didn't feel like home to him yet but he would be happy wherever we were (his pack). Dogs look at you as the leader of their pack (like a dog pack).
I'm hoping he'll have an easier adjustment with this new house because it has a yard. This new house will be the fifth house he's lived in if you count the home he was born at. It's so fun to remember that first house and bringing home a snuffly little puppy with puppy breath and sharp milk teeth. All the joys of having a puppy and the adorable, awkward, clumsy, naughty, cuteness that when they finally grow out of that stage you are so happy but sad at the same time!
But you then have a dog that is so happy and content because they know you and your ways and you know them. They will always trust you and look at you as a leader of the pack and will follow you.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Yum! And A New House Story.

Looks good until you notice it's a turtle...
Yup! That's what I saw when I turned on my computer today! You might notice that's the desktop. My husband finds the strangest things sometimes!
Hee Hee!
Life has been full of getting quotes to get our house finished. Some people want an arm and a leg, and others just your toenail clippings. And others are like bacterial nail fungus that you try to avoid.
We had one guy come and show up without calling first like he said. Well, my husband wasn't there and I was cutting oleanders out back and partially hidden. I looked up shocked to see a man enter through the gate like he lived there! Just came right into the backyard without a word looking around until I popped up and said "can I help you?" I was trapped with a strange looking man that gave me the heebie jeebies at first sight. He said he was looking for my husband and who was I? I said I owned the place and we weren't expecting him yet and my husband will be here shortly just let me call him. He got upset saying that he had an appointment at 10:00 and why wasn't he here? I had to think of all kinds of things to say why and that he'd be here in 15 minutes and can he wait? My husband said he was supposed to be there between 10 and 12 and was to call first so my husband could be there. Guess who forgot to call and then got mad at me that my husband didn't know his royal highness was here? All he had to do was just call my husband when he was on his way!
Well he proceeded to tell me all about how he saw the inside of the house and it's pretty destroyed which I told him it's because we had all the drywall taken out because of the smell. He argued rudely that we "didn't have to take it all out because" he "knows how to fix it so we wouldn't smell anything" I responded not very nicely that "no it had to come out that there was no way to improve the smell even if we painted Kilz and used an enzyme and that we'd had past experience with that process and it does nothing."
(And anyways it wasn't even his house I felt like telling him!)
He proceeded to argue more with me after I told him about the cat pee along the bottom of the drywall and the perfume smell telling me we didn't have to take it all out, but he'd understand if we wanted to take out a couple feet from the bottom. He just kept repeating it was a shame we removed it when he could have fixed it. Mind you this guy was here to give us a quote only for the outside patio!
I texted my husband to hurry that he's annoying and Help! After my husband arrived the guy was such a "fount" of information that my husband took him inside to ask him some questions about the place only to figure out from the guy that he'd already taken himself on an unguided tour inside the house! Hello? Breaking and entering? What a creep! I told my husband I don't ever want to see him again! I was so upset but was so happy and relieved to find out my husband didn't like him either! And to think that was a guy recommended to us by the retired man who built our last patio!
The people in this world today! So now I'm worried that weirdo will come back and just walk right into my house like he has every right to be there. Help!
So that was one weird experience. Hopefully there will be no more!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


If only you could see the pure joy on my face at this sight yesterday morning!
I've been hoping I wouldn't have to worry about breaking this plant's foliage moving it to the new house. But now that it has expired for the year, I can cut it down and place a pot right on top of it and condense my pot garden! I don't like stressing about breaking branches and leaves during a move!
The plant to the left of it is getting sunburned. Oh well. I'll be trimming it anyways before we move and then it will live on the shaded patio at the new house for the rest of it's life.
I'm probably weird, but I'm leaving these stick branches there even though they don't look nice until they turn yellow so the roots can absorb the nutrients for next year. My rosemary makes me think of a bonsai tree!
But doesn't that look a thousand times better?
On another note, we had some people look at our condo this morning! The last buyers we had couldn't afford a down payment for a loan, so they couldn't buy our condo. So it went back on the market.
Oh well. It will sell eventually.