Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Yum! And A New House Story.

Looks good until you notice it's a turtle...
Yup! That's what I saw when I turned on my computer today! You might notice that's the desktop. My husband finds the strangest things sometimes!
Hee Hee!
Life has been full of getting quotes to get our house finished. Some people want an arm and a leg, and others just your toenail clippings. And others are like bacterial nail fungus that you try to avoid.
We had one guy come and show up without calling first like he said. Well, my husband wasn't there and I was cutting oleanders out back and partially hidden. I looked up shocked to see a man enter through the gate like he lived there! Just came right into the backyard without a word looking around until I popped up and said "can I help you?" I was trapped with a strange looking man that gave me the heebie jeebies at first sight. He said he was looking for my husband and who was I? I said I owned the place and we weren't expecting him yet and my husband will be here shortly just let me call him. He got upset saying that he had an appointment at 10:00 and why wasn't he here? I had to think of all kinds of things to say why and that he'd be here in 15 minutes and can he wait? My husband said he was supposed to be there between 10 and 12 and was to call first so my husband could be there. Guess who forgot to call and then got mad at me that my husband didn't know his royal highness was here? All he had to do was just call my husband when he was on his way!
Well he proceeded to tell me all about how he saw the inside of the house and it's pretty destroyed which I told him it's because we had all the drywall taken out because of the smell. He argued rudely that we "didn't have to take it all out because" he "knows how to fix it so we wouldn't smell anything" I responded not very nicely that "no it had to come out that there was no way to improve the smell even if we painted Kilz and used an enzyme and that we'd had past experience with that process and it does nothing."
(And anyways it wasn't even his house I felt like telling him!)
He proceeded to argue more with me after I told him about the cat pee along the bottom of the drywall and the perfume smell telling me we didn't have to take it all out, but he'd understand if we wanted to take out a couple feet from the bottom. He just kept repeating it was a shame we removed it when he could have fixed it. Mind you this guy was here to give us a quote only for the outside patio!
I texted my husband to hurry that he's annoying and Help! After my husband arrived the guy was such a "fount" of information that my husband took him inside to ask him some questions about the place only to figure out from the guy that he'd already taken himself on an unguided tour inside the house! Hello? Breaking and entering? What a creep! I told my husband I don't ever want to see him again! I was so upset but was so happy and relieved to find out my husband didn't like him either! And to think that was a guy recommended to us by the retired man who built our last patio!
The people in this world today! So now I'm worried that weirdo will come back and just walk right into my house like he has every right to be there. Help!
So that was one weird experience. Hopefully there will be no more!

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