Saturday, July 12, 2014

Instant Cactus Bushes And The Dog

My prickly pear went from this
To this:
Now each of the 3 paddles I've planted have taken! Life is renewing as the hottest time of the year is happening! I guess it's time to get the front yard ready at the new house so I can plant them! We are still waiting for the big rains from the monsoons, but have gotten a few light showers. It has definitely cooled things off a little bit even if it has brought suffocating moisture to the air!
We went to the new house yesterday to plan out the kitchen, figure out the windows and see if we want to rearrange the master room closet and laundry room spaces. We are going to have the smallest bathroom ever. The master bath of the first house we lived in had a smaller master bath but a larger hallway bath, but this new house's bath is pretty small and the only one. We will learn how to survive though! I'm getting excited to start finishing the inside of the house so we can move in.
We will be heading over there sometime today to remove the paper backing that's glued to the floor left behind from when we had the linoleum removed. I might cut out the rest of the bushes from the front today so it can look more clean and less cluttered. The neighbor who was extremely excited to have those oleander plants has not dug them up yet. I figured she's had enough time so I will give her one more chance and if they aren't gone by the end of this weekend, I'll be chopping them down. I don't like oleanders at all. But I'm sure you already know that! :-D
I think it's funny how even though Cruizer has a bed and fluffs it and moves it all over, he still sleeps on the tile occasionally! In the winter or when he's cold he curls up in a tight little ball and sleeps in the center of his bed. I love how he places toys on his bed. Here he has his ball, his gecko, and his bone. All some of his favorites!
Cruizer gets so confused when we bring him to the new house because he has no place to call his own there yet. I always like animals to get used to their new home and to see it and get used to the smells gradually instead of bringing them there to stay for the first time and have them feel uprooted. I feel they are like kids in that sense where they take a while to adjust and might act out until they get used to it. I remember when we moved to the condo, Cruizer was so confused as he saw everything slowly make it's way onto the truck. I think he thought we were leaving him behind or something because he would follow us around frantic making sure some part of his body was touching us at all times because he knew where we were going. Once we got to the new house, we made him a spot with his belongings and he realized he was here to stay. But we would still tease him saying "want to go home?" and he'd race to the door and wait. Made me feel bad, but it helped me realize the condo didn't feel like home to him yet but he would be happy wherever we were (his pack). Dogs look at you as the leader of their pack (like a dog pack).
I'm hoping he'll have an easier adjustment with this new house because it has a yard. This new house will be the fifth house he's lived in if you count the home he was born at. It's so fun to remember that first house and bringing home a snuffly little puppy with puppy breath and sharp milk teeth. All the joys of having a puppy and the adorable, awkward, clumsy, naughty, cuteness that when they finally grow out of that stage you are so happy but sad at the same time!
But you then have a dog that is so happy and content because they know you and your ways and you know them. They will always trust you and look at you as a leader of the pack and will follow you.

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