Monday, July 14, 2014


Insomnia is the most awful thing to have. I am up for the second day in a row. This time a little before 1am. Wide awake. Mind whirling. Full of energy even though I know my body lacks sleep and is exhausted.

So far this morning I've:
  • Done the dishes
  • Cleared the counters
  • Swept off the back patio
  • Organized the bottom shelf of the cabinet by the door
  • Sorted out laundry
  • Washed a load of laundry
  • Put washed load of laundry in the dryer
  • Refilled all the soap dispensers
  • Made bread dough for 3 loaves. It's rising. I'll put it in the pans in a bit and bake them. Just think! Fresh hot bread for breakfast! (At probably 4 in the morning!)
  • Cleaned the living room
  • Next now that the dryer just beeped will be to fold the load of laundry and put it away
The dog has been confused. He tries to follow me around but he's tired. So he sleeps and when he hears me move to another area, watches me from where he lays unless I go upstairs then he follows. I feel so bad because he's not feeling the best lately.

The last 2 days when we've been away not even long and we've come back there's been pee on the floor. What? Since when? That's when me and my husband decided he must be sick. He hasn't done that since he was potty training about 7 years ago! The last few days I've been telling my husband the dog has been drinking a ton of water in an unusually large amount. I'm not surprised he couldn't hold it until we got back! It's like this: I bring him potty, come back in and he heads straight to his water dish and gulps up tons of water. Wait a little bit, repeat process.

My husband and I were discussing what other weird things he's been doing and we both noticed he's been not so excited about his food lately either. Which is very strange because anyone who knows Cruizer knows he would probably chew through a door to get to his food if he knew there was food in his dish! He's even been known to trick us into getting another meal by pretending he hasn't eaten by frantically trying to get us to follow him to his dish! He also lets us know when it's time to eat. Come to think of it, he hasn't been asking for food lately either!

So we will be taking him to the vet today. Puppy's sick.

We finished cleaning the concrete at the new house yesterday! Now next time we're there, we can sweep up the dried powder residue, and mop and it's ready for the tile! We still need drywall put in so I'm sure there will be cleanup after that. Today we are supposed to have electricians come out to rewire.

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