Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I'm Back!

 Whew! I'm feeling tons better! I have defeated my cold finally! I stopped eating dairy products except 1Tablespoon butter a day if I felt it was absolutely necessary. I now know I am for sure allergic to dairy. It just kept the mucus coming! I also am not bloated anymore!

I also stopped eating meat. I ate vegetarian/ raw and I feel that also helped. My body cannot heal itself if it's bogged down with stuff it cannot digest.

I treated myself last night to Sonic's jumbo chicken popcorn and tater tots and an ocean water to celebrate! ( I shared some with my husband) I feel if I do eat meat it should be meat I enjoy and I love chicken and Sonic makes wonderful chicken! Well, the one on Greenway and 40th st. I mean! I've been disappointed with other locations!
So far, no ill effects other than slight bloat! So it shows I can have meat on occasion!

We went to PV mall last night, and I got my first ever massage! OUCH! I am not sore today though thankfully! I was sure he would take off my head! I must have had all kinds of knots in my neck! And eeew! The popping lumps in my shoulders! Who would have thought! Maybe that's part of the source of my migraines!

We also went to Dillard's, and oh joy! Oh happiness! I used my gift card from 2010 Christmas from my parents, and LOOK!
A whole new outfit! I cannot express my joy at a new skirt! Both were on sale and I fell in love with both, and they go together I think, so a new Spring/Sunday/Church outfit! Out of all my clothes, my skirt collection brings me the most joy for some reason!
But do I really need more clothes? I'll show you my closet tomorrow!
Have a great day! I'm feeling alive!

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