Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Our yard: year beginning

From the north west corner:
 west side
 east side
 still on the patio: The banished fruit fly plants The big one in the upper left corner was knocked down by the dog. He he :-) snicker snicker -oh well!  We'll see if it dies survives! maybe one less to worry about! I keep forgetting to water them! so lots of brown leaves.
 HOLY ORANGE TREE! the other side of it. I don't see how this thing is still standing! TOO MANY ORANGES! The first year, we had maybe 19 in total. maybe 25 last year but all frozenly gross. now this year, well you count them! not counting the ones that get mowed as they keep getting in the way when my husband mows the grass.
 Talking about grass, so lush and thick and springy! Here's where the dog and I pranced around.
 And the garden. So frozenly sad in a frozen in time state. not much life left in there.
 New life on the shamel ash tree and look on the phone line:
 HOW CUTE! I love seeing the birds all lined up trying to warm up in the sun every morning! Sometimes across the whole entire string from the beginning of the block all down the street to the end! But lucky me, they like it by my house best. Always.
So, now that it's a fresh year, we'll see what changes to the backyard 2012 will bring.

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