Saturday, July 5, 2014

One Of Them

It's one of them kind of days...
Where you have no bright sunlight except what peeks through the clouds.
It rained a little again last night. Where is the monsoon?
We have had the most craziest last week and a half. It has been filled with busyness trying to get our house finished. We spent over 2 hours at a cabinet shop while they tried to figure out a diagram of how to put cabinets in our kitchen. We had a wall insulator come out yesterday morning to fill in our bricks with foam. I hope that will help with the electric bills in the hot summer and cold winter!
We will be getting new windows, and re-insulating the attic. Then we're hoping to get a new AC. We need to drywall, paint, and install tile. The outside yards and patio need help too.We also need a new roof. Can you believe that the previous owner had someone just spray paint the spots where the shingles were bad?  And on Thursday night there was a micro burst that blew over and emptied the recycling can there, and tore off some shingles.
What's weird is we've been having so many people telling us that it's a big job. Well no, not to me. It's an easy job. I've been through this before and this house is small. A big job is the last house we were in before the condo. That was a big job and it took forever.
I'm so happy I have a house with a yard again!

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