Monday, June 6, 2011

94 and trying raw.

today is my 94th posting of nonsense. wow. amazing how fast it acumulates! I couldn't for the life of me come up with that many postings in one day all at once if I tried!
Bet you thought I was 94 years old or something!

The sprinkler guy hasn't shown up yet. Is he coming? did I waste my time picking up dog poop?

I ate 3/4 cup soaked almonds, 2 falafel balls, a stalk of celery, and a vitamin for breakfast. I just finished a baked potato for snack. (with butter and salt of course).
I found tons of raw recipes that sound good online. a lot of them had really great reveiws on them.

I'm attempting to go mostly raw for a while to see if I eliminate most of the meat and dairy from my diet like I did last time, if my headaches will go away again. I'm thinking I have a lot of food triggers. I also had so much energy while eating raw I want to go back to it. It also gave me a more clearer happier veiw on the world. I think cause my digestive system wasn't bogged down with all kinds of crap. I've noticed when I eat at work, I get tired. the food is so greasy and full of dairy. also, every meal consists of meat. There's so much meat there. I guess I'll be eating hardly anything there till I figure out what has been causing my migraines!

Last night, I ate 2 baked potatoes with my supper. I was craving another today. weird how I crave them every once in a while and then other times, can't get past 2 bites! just shows my body has been telling me what it needs if only I would listen! I never crave meats. Is it my body telling me I can't digest it? I'm going to find out.
I crave cheese every once in a while. So maybe certain dairy products I can handle. I usually feel sick after eating yogurt though- over filled bloated sorta feeling. I can't stand the taste of milk, but I have also noticed if I eat cheese or any dairy product, the next day I have cold symtoms- buggery and stuffed up. Sometimes a sore throat from the mucus draining.

I've also found out flouride can cause thyroid problems, aches and pains similar to arthritis, disrupts normal functioning of hormones, allows aluminum to cross the blood barrier of the brain which causes dementia and alzheimers
 Kind of scares me cause I work with people with both. Maybe thats why my hormones have been wigging out? maybe that's what's been causing my migraines?
It's weird how stuff you put into your body affects you

Maybe that's all I can handle for now till I figure out what my body needs.

So I've been playing with the idea of starting a new blog page for:

 The Raw Side Of Me.
Check it out and tell me what you think
What do you think? Worth a try? Should I go for it for my health? Or will I die from lack of nutrition? I'm worried that because I don't know all that is available to me out there yet, I will be depleting myself of important nutrients for a while till I figure out what I'm doing. That's all that has been holding me back so far.

I've been playing things over in my mind, going through many different ideas, and worries.

-How much will it cost?-will my husband disown me for spending $$ on weird food?
-Will I be wasting my time?
-Will it take too much time to put together a meal and end up making me not want to stick with it?
-How will I get all the nutrients I need to sustain life each day?
-If I eat true salt- salt that hasn't been stripped of it's minerals- will I harm myself cause I'm not consuming iodine? Do I even have a thyroid problem? And isn't iodine already a natural occuring substance I'd be able to get from other foods?

With raw, you can eat warm food heated up to no more than 115 degrees. So it's not like I'd be eating cold salads all the time. Some of the recipes are actually so delicious looking, and contain only healthy ingredients, that you could have dessert all day! just think a pumpkin pie made with no sugar at all, just fruit to sweeten and  a delicious crunchy sweet nut crust! Healthy. you get fruit, healthy fats from the nuts, vegetables, protein, and vitamins- all of them cause they're not broken down with heat- without worrying about bad fats, dairy, and sugar!

looks good doesn't it? That's from That is also their picture.

So you see? It's not like I'd really be missing out on anything or any kind of nutrient. I just won't be adding certain things, and won't be baking it.

I also will have some cooked foods. it's not like I'm going to deprive myself of pasta or baked potatoes if I crave them!

So that's what's been on my mind for the past few weeks. I've been getting excited thinking about it then I remember my husband who won't eat anything but meat. So I'd have to make 2 meals every meal. Not fun. will that ruin my excitement and make me not want to go with it? Should I just be mean and tell him if I'm the one cooking, he can either eat it or make his own stuff? I feel like he'd think I'm forcing it on him then and he would only get mad saying I'm trying to change the way he eats to my ways even though thats not the case.

So see my dilema here? any help people?????

Have a great day!

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