Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Yay, a good day at work!

Everyone showed up, and finally they showed some effort to work!! My boss the chef is having the pre-meal meetings with me, to hopefully drill the things we've been having problems with into their heads so they fix it.

I had a good day though and am getting excited thinking about the next couple of days... 2 more days till my weekened, and one of them is family night. the last 2 family nights, the residents and their families have had great fun! So I'm looking foward to the atmosphere and hope to prepare the servers for that day by doing extra prep work today so the day of won't be as hectic. I'm excited cause the schedual will be easy to finish this week cause I have lots of new found availability in servers now out of school, and have servers asking for more hours. So I have tons of help. Now I can weed out the ones who call off...

So, on I go to shop at Pro's Ranch Market, and to work, and eating happy and healthy till I find out why I'm getting migraines! (Although I don't think you can state tacos for breakfast as healthy...)

Have a great day!

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