Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pretty Pretty

I really am enjoying waking up and seeing this. It's like a ray of sunshine in the morning.
A bloom that just lasts.

Well. the sprinkler guys are taking their time! They only lay the water line from the front to the back yesterday and said they will be here all day from 7:00am on. where are they? The owner said they had a big job they were working on while doing ours. Makes you feel important huh? Going on day 3...

Oh! They just showed up! It's 7:39AM.
Right on time.
NOT. :-)
Oh well at least they showed.

I am still eating breakfast. I like to eat by the computer every morning and update myself on the blogs I follow. I usually start waking up a little before 6AM and then the dog hears me moving around more and then decides it's time for me to get up and askes to go out. I have learned if I tell him "go sleep," he lays down for 1 minute tops and asks to go out again. So I'm forced out of bed then. Cause who can go back to sleep after walking around and with sun pouring through every window just to let the dog out?

Did you know my husband put up another one of the blinds? We now have 2 windows covered at night! My room is finally not bombarded with light at night!
Next, I hope my room window can be done! I'm getting excited at the thought! Did you know you can buy ones that stretch across your big slider door? We havn't decided if we will go that route, or if we'll just use curtains. I think it would be funny to have a big huge blind over the door and can imagine it would just look like yuck after a short while with the dog being his usual nosy self having to look out at birds, or see if a cat is out there he can bark at... I can see it falling on his head after a few to many times of him whipping them to the side to get behind them!

Well, I hope you have a great day!
I'm going to go finish my breakfast!

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