Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Peeling woes

I'm still peeling from when I put the garden in. My back is so itchy it's rediculous!

So that is new in my life. I also instead of cleaning in my house today, I pulled weeds from around the edges in the grass in my backyard. The grass is still too little to walk on, So I just crouched on the railroad ties and did my morning stretches to reach the weeds. I can't believe how many goatheads are coming up!

I'll be taking a break from blogging for a while because I have to:
  • clean my house
  • organize my garage
  • have a garage sale
  • bring stuff to Goodwill
  • paint
  • give the dog a bath
  • go on vacation
that last one probably won't ever happen, but I threw it in anyways. I feel like I live in a dump. My house is empty, and always dusty dirty. everytime I turn around, the dog still smells and still wants to be petted, and there is always weeds to pull, or something to water, or something that needs to be cleaned or has a layer of dust over it an inch thick! Plus, I still have library books to read!

  1. Get up- NO MORE INTERNET!!!!
  2. sweep
  3. dust
  4. mop
  6. garage sale or Goodwill
  7. get motivated to finish the house (paint, drywall, mud, new door..........)
So I will write more when the dust settles. See you later! I expect brown buggers and mud/paint/dirt/?? in my hair. We'll see if it gets done, or if my husband wants a lazy weekened!

Have a great weekened! I know I will be having a party! See you next week!

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