Thursday, June 23, 2011

...........(MOM DON'T READ THIS)

I saw the worst thing in my entire life tonight- a dog get hit by a car in an intersection. I felt so horrible. I continued on my way to the office, and right after I got there, (it was quiet and all I heard were my own thoughts replaying and replaying in my mind...and kept seeing it....) I felt like throwing up and felt sick to my stomach, so I vacuumed and home I went. I'll finish it tomarrow I told myself.

I just had to share with you my horrible day. I woke up happy and ready for a new day. I mean my garden is growing! I went to work, and my boss the chef was in a FOUL mood and griping at EVERTHING. So I was excited to see her go home early. My servers were absolutely wonderful, and I left in a better mood only to have to see a small dog get hit... I would probably be the stupid one to run out and pick up the dog and bring it to an emergency place cause it was still alive, but I left it to the other dozen cars stopped trying to catch it. As I pulled away, I saw a lady go towards it to get it. So I didn't worry cause I knew it would be taken care of.

BUT         I              SAW                  IT!  not the actual hit, but it run out, my veiw was blocked by another car, and when they both passed, I saw it had been hit.   And I was so shaky after. EEEEW who wants to ever see that?

So anyways, I am going to go get ready for bed.
 Hope no nightmares come.

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