Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fail not.

I made falafel balls. I found a recipe online.
I started by sprouting garbanzo beans a couple nights ago. I improvised on some of the ingredients (who keeps 2 cups of fresh parsley in their house all the time?) I used a little dried. I got it all started, then turned around to the fridge to get an egg, and no eggs in the fridge. Hmmmmm. to the internet, EGG REPLACEMENT. up pops 1 tablespoon flax seed meal with 3 tablespoons water. I had that. it said to simmer it 3 minutes. ????? wont it gell up anyways with soaking? I put it in without cooking.

So I mixed it all together and heat up the oil, and drop the first batch in. it boils apart into thousands of little peices. I seive it all out, and mix flour in the rest and drop 1 in. almost success! it fell apart a tiny bit. so I add a bit more flour, dipped them in flour, and fried the rest up. It was surprisingly a good tasty recipe! I feel queasy after eating so much grease though and feel nausious at the smell of them now, but definately a good recipe.

the dog liked them too, but he only got to try a little. I'm keeping life bland for a while with him till he heals.

here they are. the grease dripping crumbles, and the flour dipped balls. MMMMMMM untill you eat about 1/2 the batch and you feel sick. but I'll eat more later if my husband doesn't like them.

My husband being the caring responsible man he is, has put off picking up his doggie's poop and guess who gets to pick it up now so the sprinkler installer doesn't have to work around it?
Hints: My husbands working at the homeshow yesterday and today, and hasn't been here all weekened. The sprinkler guy gets here tomarrow. My husband will be gone all morning with appointments.

Still havn't figured it out??? ME!!!!!! Aren't you excited with that thought?

Oh joy happy day excitement and jumping up and down and....

I'm just going out to do it right now to be done with it and I'm taking the dog.

see you when my nose hairs grow back.

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