Thursday, June 2, 2011

ZZzzzzZzz Blink blink Blink

Still trying to wake up. I went to bed around 9 or so last night and got up about 6.

I went home with a migraine last night. yuck. I don't like clouds. I felt sluggish all yesterday morning and couldn't motivate myself to even sweep the floor. So, none of my chores are done, and my eyes are burning from tiredness today, so I fear the first day of my 4 day weekened will be spent cleaning. Oh well. I should feel better by then I hope.

Cruizer still has medication and is taking them very well. we barely have to try to open his mouth, and he holds still while we stick our hand entirly in his mouth and deposit a pill partway down his throat gagging him a bit, and he just swallows and waits for the next. it's so weird! this is the dog who thinks your going to cut off his entire foot when you trim his nails! He's such a good boy! So I don't dread giving him medicine! It's almost as if he realizes that this is what has been making him feel better! He's so smart!

I'm proud of myself. I got 3 loads of laundry done yesterday and almost all folded even while feeling the starts of a migraine! I washed 2 loads of dog stuff. his bedding, and toys/balls. I'm so worried he got sick from something outside, and he brings his toys out there, so we are going to try clean the backyard as well as we can also. We both also have caught him eating poop in the backyard at different times, so either we have a cat pooping in our backyard, or he's started eating his own... HELP! He could have gotten sick from anything! even just going on a walk and licking his paws after! I guess we're going to have to try clean up after him everytime he goes poop for a while! talk about being one with your dog full time! right now, he needs constant supervision outside at all times so he doesn't eat more woodchips either.

We will be getting a sprinkler system put in on Monday! that means grass this winter and next summer! Yay! I'm excited!

But there's nothing like feeling like ick when your house looks so horrible! Makes you feel even worse! Cause you can't even clean it. I seriously feel like sleeping. If only I could turn off the sun for a nap....

Well, I'm going to try sleep some more. I'll write more some other time. I'm going to try video giving Cruizer pills tomarrow morning so everyone can see how well he takes them! I know. I'm weird! But I'm so proud of him!

Have a great day! I'm going to! My headaches GONE!

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