Friday, June 10, 2011


Today I am bored. I have so much I could do, but I don't want to.

I want to make cookies, and just be lazy.

The master bathroom sink is working! I finally saw the time when my husband agreed to put it together and now we have a functioning bathroom! We just need to do the shower now. But at least when I get up in the middle of the night, I won't have to walk all around the house 1st.

The sprinklers are finished and I have my yard back to myself. I have mud everywhere inside the house (and out) and everything is dusty again, so starts the endless cycle of having to clean every square inch of my house. Again.

Oh well. All I've cleaned so far is my kitchen island. The counter sparkles beautifully.

Look what I found at the office last night! What happened? How was I supposed to mop???? and where was the mop head anyways? and if it was there and I mopped with it, wouldn't I just smear whatever greasy mess someone put in there all over the floors?? you can't see it in the picture, but the mop ringer had it all over too. So I swept the floor, and hung a note on the mop handle with the reasons of why I couldn't mop last night.

I don't like leaving unfinished. It's like eating chocolate cake but leaving the frosting.

Well, wish me luck on my raw cookie recipe I'm going to try!
Have a great day!

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