Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dehydrated Potatoes

3 pictures of the exact same thing! 15 lbs of potatoes:
 clockwise starting upper left: potato cubes, shredded potatoes I cooked, shredded potatoes I didn't cook, and potato cubes I didn't cook very long.
 Guess which ones look more appetizing? I still need to sort out a few: But these are done!
 And ta da! I bought 11-lbs more. Can't beat the price $0.59 per 5 lb bag! We'll try again the way their supposed to be done! (I only know it's 11-lbs because I weighed the bags. 5 1/2 lbs each! what a deal!
I won't waste the ones I already made. I'll make some sort of meal with them. I just haven't decided how.

I'll probably walk you through the process not today, or tomorrow, but probably Friday or Saturday.

I have work tomorrow morning, and it's Thanksgiving, so that day's out. Today will be spent cleaning my disaster zone of  a kitchen that smells like a bunch of musty potatoes. The dehydrated ones don't smell. It's the pots and pans and bowls I prepared them in.

Yup, that's my life. Monday I make something, Get invited to eat at some one's house, when home, need to hop into bed if I'm to get any sleep before work, get up 2 times during the night to stir potatoes around, and then
Tuesday I had work from 6:30AM- 7PM. I stop at the store for the last few things I need for Thanksgiving, I came home with a headache. I was so tired I went to bed after falling asleep on the couch reading. Now
Today, no headache, just scents wafting from my kitchen. Cleaning here I come! Then work, then home, then making Thanksgiving food for Thursday, then sleep, then work in the morning, then to my in-laws house. Whew! Then potatoes.

BUSY BUSY BUSY I'll be the next few days! Then I absolutely must get my Christmas shopping complete! And Christmas cards! See you around!

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