Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Last Night...

I saw this: Santa's Sandcastle
It's still in the process of being made. But check out them details! Someone has spent a lot of time on this! It's almost done. I'm hoping I can get down there to film it finished!

I also made a video of that van we see in front of Fry's that's always full of junk, but after I uploaded it, it shows me in the reflection. So I deleted it. You can go back into my archives to find a picture of it if you absolutely have got to see it.

I have work today, and I also have plans to go to Sunflower Market. I can't decide if I should go in the morning, or on the way home from work. So I will go and get some things done around the house before I have to leave while I decide.
So have a fantastically wonderful day!

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