Sunday, November 13, 2011

Rainy Day BBQ

The title has nothing to do with this post. I just felt like writing it because it's exactly what should never happen on days like this.

Today is gloomy and rainy. Here's a glimpse of it through my still dirty kitchen window: no sun and it's 9:30 AM.
 The poor watermelons are a bit damp.
 These plants are happy looking
 and my wheelbarrow is filling up.
 Inside, I have been concocting a sourdough starter experiment. Doesn't it look like a petri dish or a science experiment? This is the leftovers right after I fed it.
 I harvested some and made a loaf. It is raising inside my small convection oven. That is the only place I have found that raises dough really well. Now I just have to wait the 6-10 hours it says it takes to raise to 1 inch above the top. All the work of 6 days of feeding the starter, pouring off the alcohol (-doesn't that sound horrible? I was shocked to learn it makes alcohol. (IT STINKS-BAD)), protecting it feverishly around the clock from dog invasions and extreme heat or cold has made me think this better be good. We'll see. (Do you think I greased the pan enough?)
Anyways, that's the start to my day today. I still need to take a shower and get ready for Church and we need to leave in 40 minutes. So I'll see you later!

HAPPY SUNDAY (as the guy at Fry's told me once) and have a spectacular day! Hope you enjoy the rain!

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