Saturday, November 19, 2011

It's Here at last!

My Excalibur 3900 with it's 5 paraflexx ultra sheets, and a jerky seasoning bag they threw in for free.

I came home to this last night: This box is huge!
 I opened it, and Ta Da! check out them sides I'll have to dust!
 and here's the front: the door just hangs over a lip.
The free jerky seasoning:
 And check out the cool dial on this thing!
 My super expensive heavy duty paraflexx ultra sheets that have no Teflon in them, just silicone:
 My first batch of apples. we'll see how they are when I get home from work because I won't be able to flip them halfway. Aren't you jealous of my talent at even slicing? I think I need to work on that skill...
I guess he can't eat it, so I guess he doesn't have to be interested. But just you wait Cruizer! I'll be cookin jerky in that thar thing. Then you may show just the teansiest amount of curiosity then huh?

I gotta go get ready for work. I have to be a little early to get ready for one of the resident's family's early Thanksgiving meal! Their parent is unable to leave the building so I want to make sure it's special for them. (And be ever so thankful they chose today and not the actual holiday! We already have 19 extra people just on Thanksgiving.)

I'll talk to you more tomorrow about my new Excalibur! -and how my apples turned out!
Have an exciting day!

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