Friday, November 18, 2011


Last night went very well. We had 77 guests and expected 200 counting all the residents. A great big party all jam packed in our once large dining room. Last night I considered it small. But it went well, and we were even short a server because they sprained their back very badly.

I took a section and helped everyone else out. It's nice to realize how far I have come in 2 years of serving to be able to say that and know my entire section was happy and I was able to help out a lot on the side and it was too easy. Just makes you feel like you are finally experienced enough to be able to do that. And I am not lying. Last night was so easy.

I am so very thankful I woke up without a headache today. There was no overly sprayed on perfumes last night. Yay!

I seriously cannot wait for my dehydrator and am getting so worried that it will come while we are away at work and they will leave it and the same person who stole my cactus and a bucket of paint from out front will steal that as well. Oh the stresses of living in the city! Your life is so open to all those around you and there are predators watching your every move waiting to strike. It may be like that outside the city, but I think it's worse inside.

And the oranges have oranged! Now they just need to work on their sugar content! No one likes a sour orange! I like looking out the window at their color. Did you know that the sweeter oranges are aways on the bottommost (hey! not my word! I said Bottomest and spell check didn't like it!) branches? We have a lot!
 Want to help me attach my sprinkler system to that wall? You wanna pet the dog who is in the way?
 There! All attached and watering. And yes, those are the very same plants I started from seed and haven't gotten around to re potting in bigger pots. So here they sit and catch drips. They are turning red from the cold.
So what are you going to do today? I attached my sprinkler, and hopefully will do some housework, and am going to work at 10:30.

I'll see you tomorrow. Have a spectacular day!

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