Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Some Stuff...

I came home, and to my surprise, my husband had cleaned up the dog's mess of stuffing. I also noticed it was banned from him by going on top of the desk where he can't reach it...

I got these from work yesterday. Leftovers. I had 3, but gave the mushy one to one of my workers to shoot or blow up, or... didn't quite hear the rest of his ideas. Either way, it was going mushy. I hope to make pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin.... MAYBE I'LL EVEN DEHYDRATE SOME IN MY NEW DEHYDRATOR WHEN IT GETS HERE!!!!!
The next project: This is my pantry shelf. Do you like the construction mess on the fridge? Either way, I am going to some day have a real pantry right in my laundry room. For now, it overfloweth. lots.  and the shelf that hold glass jars is perfectly at the right level of little kid's heads (and their eyes) and their little hands can reach them and ...ACK!... I hope my new one is done soon. I guess I could just move them, but...
 And did you ever listen to John R. Erickson's 50th mystery of Hank the Cow Dog in the Case of the Most Ancient Bone? 5 hours long with 2 songs. I would recommend it. Sardina Bandanna and Pete the Barn Cat pull some good ones on him! I really wish it was longer. We finished it last night. But I guess then I would be greedy.
So with that, I will now go enjoy the rest of my morning trying to clean my house, do laundry, and dream of my new dehydrator.

So have a wonderfully marvelous day today!

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