Friday, April 22, 2011


homemade pizza and peeps and an Easter basket.
 I made 4 pizzas today just because. I also bought some candy at the store, and I went to church and my mom made me an Easter basket and gave it to me early cause she's not going to see me on Easter Sunday. 
OHHHHH the delicious loot in there! I got to see my adorable little nephew and me and my mom taught him the cutest little trick ever!

He's so adorable when he does it!

Me and my husband went to the mattress store again and traded mattresses. The new one comes tomarrow. I have been sleeping like a rock while my husband says he hasn't slept for a week. (even though everytime I woke up he apeared to be asleep...) Aparently it wasn't restful enough for him though. So anyways, The new mattress comes between 9 and 12, I leave for work at 9:30, the bedframe comes at 2. I'll have a whole new bed when I come home from work!!!!

Anyways, while we were shopping for a new mattress, the dog decided to eat an entire chicken carcass, skin, guts, and bones out of the garbage can. everything! I had just bought a rottiserie chicken, took the meat off, put the meat in the fridge, and threw the rest out. We came home to a suspiciously guilty looking dog. I told my husband that he's going to die,.. he's going to bleed to death internaly,... we're going to have a dead dog by tonight or tomarrow..... then I took a shower and left for church. I came home to learn my husband looked online to find out what to do if a dog eats cooked chicken bones (the raw ones are fine cause they're not so brittle and break into shards), and he cooked him up a pot of rice cause that's what it said to do. so puppy has been lazing around trying to digest his delicious tasting bones, and his bellyfull of rice. He was so tired, he hardly begged for the candy we were eating... poor puppy! I hope the rice works!

anyways, that was my day today. I also went shopping for groceries.

So I'll go to bed now and enjoy my nice caccoon of a bed tonight for the last night cause were getting a new one tomarrow! and my bedframe! and I only work 3-4 1/2 hours tomarrow! and I get Sunday and Monday off! excitments in the air! can you smell it? I can and I can feel it too! I feel like running around in the amber waves of grain in my backyard! but I might step on glass or bird poop or get a picker in my toe, or one of the million aphids and bugs in my yard might land on me... Guess I'll only imagine it's a green lawn with dandilions and bunnies and Easter eggs hiding all over!

Easter is almost here! and my mom gave me an Easter basket with Easter grass in it! I had to smell it as soon as I was alone with it! Smells better than even the candy! Just like I remember! It must be Easter!

Anyways, goodnight to you, and don't let the bed bugs bite! Or the aphids!
P.S. I'll be dreaming my backyard of brown weeds I call amber waves of grain is like the perfect picture if Easter complete with lush green lawn, bunnies, Easter eggs, and the dewey morning sun shining softly trying to get up.... crisp cool air of the morning just like when my dad would open the big slider door in the early morning before we all got up and 28 degree air blew in so crisp and cool-HEY! did you know I do that now??????? I do. anyways, goodnight. ZZZZZZZZZZZ....zZ..zzzz.ZZZZZ....

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