Monday, April 11, 2011


I'm tired but I had fun today.

Me and my husband went to about 20 different stores all over the valley looking for a bedframe we liked. We tried out some mattresses and saw lots of cool things we never knew existed.

We have been looking for a long time for a REAL platform bed. come to find out, "everyone" as the salespeople put it wants a mock platform bed. but I call it a frame with the foot board cut down. I think a TRUE platform bed is a sheet of wood that carries through completely from the foot of the bed to the headboard. and sticks out from under the mattress a ways. more than the 2 inches the bed frames they carry have.

one higher-end place told us they can make us a custom one for $11,000! (not to be confused with $1,000 or $1,100.) just think! I shouldn't have even had to think twice! ....I had to go home and measure first..... not. we just told the lady we'd see first if we could find one already made.


 This one we found at Copenhagen- not quite what we were looking for, but my husband liked it. The sales lady said it had "floating nightstands" this one has a true footboard and frame thats shortened. not a true platform...
We both liked this one. The picture really doesn't look nice. I should have taken one wih my camara instead.
this one was only about a foot off the floor though... and no drawers...
Yes distractions are cool- this was a cool bench/couch I saw... it had just the charecteristics I would like in a bed frame...

 behind the couch part, there was a cool wood shelving unit also off the ground.
 We finally decided this one will do.. it has the drawers we were hoping for under it,

and the bench on the foot of the bed. the only problem is we can't see it in person, only online, but we found a company who will order it for us. So we need to think about it a bit longer cause we can't return it if it's only 1/2 a foot off the floor... and my husband says it looks like the drawers are made cheap just from zooming in at the picture...
Anyways, we had fun. we ate lunch at Chick-Fil-A and ate supper at Denny's.
now I am washing clothes and our sheets and blankets cause I start work again tomarrow. It feels like I shouldn't work there anymore. I never feel like going back after my 4 days off. I just feel like sleeping and lazing around the house. but I guess it wouldn't be "work" then right? I sure like my paycheck, and am always being encouraged there that I'm doing a great job so why don't I want to go back after my weekeneds?

I'm getting exited at the thought I will have a real bed soon! I tried out the most perfect bed that just felt absolutely gorgeous and I could have fallen asleep right there with people walking all around me except I had to get up so my husband could try it and he said it didn't feel nice. So HHHMMPHHH! We'll just have to buy 2 different ones and we each can have our own rooms! Not. and we did find a mattress we agreed on a couple weeks ago but I kinda liked that brand we tried out today! It felt cheap though like it wouldn't last too long... oh well I guess we'll have to splurge for comfort we both agree on! But I can't wait!

I got so burned at the Sunday school picnic yesterday. I burned my eyes too. I'll have lots of fun tomarrow at work trying to convince everyone I'm just tanned and not burned cause that's what my husband told me about an hour before we left the picnic when I told him I was burned and we should go home... But I had lots of fun. I drank 2 pops and ate 2 cookies and 2 brownie bites and a burger and 3 pickle slices just because and a licorice. I visited and sunbathed cause it was too freezing cold to sit in the shade without a jacket and I didn't bring one... So now I'll have a farmers tan. but I had fun!

Oh well. I'm not the only one who got burned there!
Well, gotta go check the dryer to see if the buzzer is telling the truth that the clothes are indeed dry!
Write more later!

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