Tuesday, April 26, 2011

ZZzzZZZZZzzz?!!! Clomp clomp ZZZZZZZZzzzzZZ?!! Clomp.....

I am so tired and I have a headache. Cruiser kept me up a second night now asking to go out during the night many times to go diarea. I stressed the entire night thinking he's got a chicken bone lodged in his intestine....Upon further inspection this morning, he has been eating woodchips. ARRRRRGHHH! stupid dog likes being miserable and making me miserable in the process! I couldn't just stick him outside and go back to sleep cause everytime we've done that in the past he's barked at the stupidest things ALL night.

I so badly need to get out of here! I want to go to Disneyland and just see something new. I'm sick of this house and the tiring routine of working 10 days and getting 4 days off with having to be the only living thing completely in charge of maintaining this dump of a house and doing all the cooking and cleaning. I'm tired tired tired. and I can't get any sleep at all cause of the stupid rock hard mattress and the squirting dog.

I'm right back to where I started and actually have worse blacker bags under my eyes. and feel so miserable and I have work today and for the next 9 days also and I found out I have been placed on working the next church camp which will fall on my next 4 day OFF weekened! oh the luck! Will I sleep better there? But it's not Disneyland...... and I can't imagine resting well and only getting more tired and exhausted like everytime only this time I'll start out completely exhausted cause that's how my 10 working days always end. I usually look foward to this camp with excitement and anticipation..... and I actually dread having to go this time cause I'm exhausted. I'll be on my feet the entire time... hardly any sleep.... working hard to get the food all finished on time... having to make conversation and try make sense with what my tired mind is trying to say... at least I'll give everyone something to laugh at if I'm not a complete grouch!

I keep thinking I should just go lie down and try to sleep and then I don't even want to go back in that room cause the beds so hard and it's hard to fall asleep and I am worried the dog will only try to wake me as soon as my eyes actually fall asleep! Plus the added stress that if I close my eyes, will I not hear the alarm and sleep right through work?

This morning I finally decided enough is enough and at the 6:00 wakening by the squirting dog, I tapped my husband -your turn. It took some effort to finally get him out of bed- "he's your dog- I've been up all night with him..." he goes opens the door, and Cruiser's still trying to get me up I had to keep telling him go the doors open go potty go away go potty.................. and he finally went to the door and TURNED BACK AROUND AND TRIED FRANTICALLY TO GET ME UP cause I'm the only one who lets him out in the morning usually, and I felt so bad cause he tried to jump up and tell me and he hit his mouth on the platform board and he's already miserable and apparently he wants me and....so I rolled out of bed and stood by the door and my husband went back to sleep........ All that effort wasted. was it worth it? so I watched through blurry eyes as the dog did yet again another splattering squirt and squated around for a bit, then came in proud as can be.

Only to find out it's because of woodchips.... HHHMMMPHHH!

will write more when I'm in a better mood and less tired.

Hope your day has cute cheeping chicks and bunnies and flowers unlike mine!

1 comment:

  1. Oh it is NOT fun waking up all night!! Poor poor you.... Maybe I can come help you? Call me if I can do anything for you. I can come and clean your house and do your dishes... and I have some immodium for Cruiser.
