Saturday, April 2, 2011


warning: Graphic Details- read at your own risk.

I hate migraines!

If you've never had one, your way to lucky and don't even know how lucky you are!

Yesterday my little nephew turned 1- his golden birthday! He was adorable! I got him some goofy toys! I enjoyed his birthday and had fun celebrating with him! He seemed to enjoy every second of it!

all day yesterday I also had a headache. I could hardly eat anything for supper, and felt so horribly bad I couldn't celebrate his birthday with cake or anything, cause I felt nausious at the thought and the smell of it all. but I knew it would taste good. And it looked good too. But I couldn't eat.

After I got home, even the crisp clean sheets on my bed did little to make me feel better! I woke up at 2:30AM feeling a horrible sharp pain in my head. Not being able to fall back asleep, I got up, drank a little water, went to the bathroom, let the dog out, and tried to sleep again.
If anyone has had a migraine you know how this is. I had to get up fast with an urge to puke and did so in the toilet. Feeling so horrible all day I then realized why I felt so queasy! My body wouldn't digest anything cause it was under to much stress with pain and I actually threw up my lunch on further exploration. So the thought comes to my head that why didn't it make me throw up earlier? I ate lunch at 2:00 PM -12 1/2 hours later I threw it up. weird. Migraines mess with your body!

I felt so gross and queasy after so I drank some water brushed my teeth and tried to go back to sleep. less than a minute later, I had to run to the toilet and up came the water and the rest of lunch and all I'd eaten!

I lay there moaning cause my head only hurt worse and told my husband "III--II-I     W-W-W-ant TYLONAL!" and he goes we don't have tylonal? I said nope and he said why didn't you say so earlier?
He said he had some in his truck so I took some, and had to fight the urge not to throw up again so the tylonal could work and everytime I lay down I had the urge so I had to make myself sit up- ever try sit up when your body feels so bad and you start falling asleep in 2 seconds but the pounding won't let you? and you feel so queasy and gross and keep falling over? surprisingly, the tylonal started to work! usually it doesn't. It knocked me out! probably with shock it worked! I didn't get up till 8:40AM I still feel a little bit of headache, but it's not bad at all just a nuisance!

So that's how my day started!

If you've never had a migraine, count yourself one of the luckiest people on the planet.
I've come to realize I don't think I've ever had a true headache! They never feel any different, but the levels of pain are different with each one- they all feel like a migraine! I can't believe I got so lucky! Migraines only for me!

Enough! I have only 2 hours before I have to go to work again and I am hoping it will go away.
and I'm exhausted already!

That's how my day is so far
Hope yours started better!

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