Saturday, April 9, 2011


Rain, Cold, Clouds= NO HEADACHE TODAY!

how does that work??? Wait... I don't care I don't have a headache!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday I got a late start on the other house cause I decided to wait for my husband. He spent the whole time there working on electrical. I trimmed the bushes out front, washed windows, cleaned the kitchen sink, and then played "what lights turned on now" with my husband so he could figure out the electrical box.

That place is wired up weird! It's looking tons cleaner, and I don't think I'd mind spending the night there now! I havn't seen a roach since the plumming issues were taken care of, so they aparently where comming up from the sewer. EEEEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
See? I think it looks much better!
standing by the front door
laundry room
living room
master bedroom
extra bedroom

tomarrow will be the Church's Annual Sunday School Picnic! I'm excited and hope the rain will be gone by then and the weather will warm up! I always have fun there. probably cause when I was little, there was just too much fun to be had there! Between the pool of pop, to the water fights, to the huge lines of red rover red rover send __________ right over, to the LOOOOONG line for food that always stands in the direct line of smoke from the grills, to the sunburn you start feeling halfway through the picnic.... oooh the fun!

I can't wait.

We will be going to the other house today cause the store room still needs to be drywalled and painted, the electrical still needs to be finished, and I didn't feel like mopping the laundry room floor and the water heater closet needs to be washed out... anything else? I don't know! Almost done done done!!!

My husband told me he is sleeping in today so we might get started at 2PM, but at least maybe he'll get up early enough to be on time for the picnic!

It's fun to look outside at the rain. I guess this is one of the few times I can actually enjoy it!
I have great pland to make up some Chickens in the Road cake mixes just cause it sounds like fun!

Have a good day!

1 comment:

  1. That house just sparkles!! It looks great! Finally all the hard work is paying off and coming to an end. Good there are no more roaches. PEW!
