Tuesday, May 31, 2011

All Better!

I hope. Cruizer went over 24 hours without pooping, and we were getting worried, and the vet said if he doesn't by lastnight, call me. So, we took him on a walk lastnight about 9:00 to get things moving. He didn't pull as hard as usual, and I felt bad exercising him when he was not feeling well, but a little over 1/2 way through, he pooped. Have I mentioned how much I love picking up warm squishy poop with a bag?? I actually don't enjoy it one bit. talk about being one with your dog. PU.

Anyways, it was solid, and we inspected the contents when we go home. NO BLOOD! it smelled of rice. He's been on a diet of ground beef and rice- all cooked. he loves it. he's finally getting better about taking his medicine and acting more normal, just really tired.

No parasite the vet said! so must be a bacterial infection of some sort I guess! The medicine will clear it up.

I had the worst day at work yesterday and don't ever want a day like it again. I didn't get finished till 7:40. now I get to watch my hours all week so I don't go over 38. Thats all I've been given to be paid for. Makes life difficult. everyone else is 37.5

I will probably be in big trouble if I get overtime.

So, I'm going to forget my chores for today unless I want to do them, and rest. tomarrow is a new day, and I've been trying hard all week to get my chores done, so I still have 2 more days. tomarrow was supposed to be rest, so I switched them or I may fall asleep at work.

So, have a good day and celebrate cause the dog went poop! I had pancakes for breakfast, and now I'm going to eat sherbet!

See ya later!

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Did you know Cruiser's name is spelled Cruizer? It is now. I never knew how we spelled it until I read the perscription bottle. That's how my husband spells his dog's name...

Anyways, he's still alive. He had a blood test, and had to have a stool sample taken and I heard he was quite the dog while the Dr. was trying to manipulate poop out. He even had to have a cloth muzzel placed over his face as a precaution. My husband brought him outside and collected a brilliant small dab of a bloody fecal sample. The dr. said it was enough, so now we'll hear back in a couple days what exactly is going on with him. Dr. also says Cruizer's tummy is tight. Dr. doesn't think it's blockage just yet, but if the test comes back negative, the next step is ex-rays if he's not better by then.

Probably parasites. HOOOO Boy are we going to get it too???

I'm excited!!! Wanna come over?

Anyways, the medication so far has stopped his diarreah and he hasn't thrown up since. In fact, he hasn't pooped since starting it... Will I get to sleep tonight?


Scary Scary

I am very worried about Cruiser. Here's how he looks today:
A few days ago, he started acting lazy and not himself, and then 2 days ago, started to go diarreah with blood spots in it. He then passed some wood chips. He hasn't been eating very well either. He still has bloody diarreah. Yesterday, my husband called a few vets and they all said basically the same thing: Feed him cooked ground beef and rice for a couple of days and if nothing changes, bring him in. It could be a parisite. They all say it doesn't sound like Parvo.

Now today, I woke up to him throwing up. I was tired. He got me up 2 times during the night to go diarreah. Went to bed 10:30, got up 2:30, and 3:30. Woke up 6:30 to him puking. After I got up, I realized there were 2 spots to clean up. about 4 piles each place. I had to clean it up or it would dry. Not the best night of sleep I've ever had...

This dog is really starting to worry me and annoy me at the same time. I have tried all I can do to get him to stop eating things he shouldn't, and he does anyways as soon as you turn your back or leave. And so now we probably should take him in. My husband doesn't want to spend money on him, but I don't want a dead dog.

Lastnight we bought him beef, and I cooked it up and make a big pot of rice. He had meatloaf and rice lastnight cause we had no plain beef in the house at suppertime. So now today is the first day he is to get his special food and I don't dare feed it to him.

He is not himself at all. He keeps moving to a different spot and lying down trying to get comfortable and groans every once in a while. He is in pain and just started coughing/gagging today after throwing up- twice now. I'm wondering if he has woodchips in his belly he's trying to throw up.

I still stick to my theory he has a peice of woodchip lodged in his interstines, but the vets all say as long as he's passing, he doesn't have a blockage. But what about a partial blockage???

I don't know what to do, and I have work today, and probably no vets are opened Sunday, so it will probably be a pet hospital which will be expensive$$. And my husband will have to take him in cause I have work. FUN.

So, That's what has been going on this entire week. I have been too worried to write or do much of anything.

Hope you have a better day!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Remember my garden looked like this yesterday morning?
Now it looks like this:
BIG improvement huh? Not really, but I did spend about 2 hours out there scraping up weeds, and raking and pulling weeds, etc...

This weed is taller than the dog.
remember this weed? The one thats competing to be taller than our lemon tree?
Yup, it's taller than me too. It sure put up a big fight, and I had to be content with just breaking off the branches near the ground. It has a prety good root system going.

Am I the only weirdo who lets their lettuce's bolt? I just love how they look. These came up by themselves this year. I let the seeds fly last year. I like this type of lettuce though and don't mind.
Here's the weed pile. It's taller than the dog.
I put it all in the dumpster today. My patio is clean and my garden is getting there.
Couldn't ask for more. I am so much more relaxed now that my house is staying clean finally, and am really liking the results of sticking to my scedualed plan for cleaning. it works! I love my chart!
Today was cleaning the backyard, and sweeping the front and back patios. tomarrow is rest.

I have a feeling tomarrow will be a good day!
Anyways, goodnight and don't let the bedbugs bite!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday to me! Happy birthday to me-eeee! Happy Birthday to me!! !!

I am officially ancient. a quater of a centry old. And I feel no different than a feeling of ancientness. I mean I'm almost 30! only 5 more years! weird how just like that you're ancient!

Yesterday, I went grocery shopping 2 times! I baked 2 loaves of bread, 8 Seitan BBQ Burgers, spagetti with garlic french bread, and crumbcake. I feel efficient whenever I accomplish that much. And my kitchen is still mostly cleaned! I seriously ran the dishwasher twice yesterday, and it's a 1/3 full still just from yesterday! PU! thats a ton of dishes! I still have big dishes to wash by hand.

My husband finally painted the ceiling along the edges that had some wall paint on so now wer're back in buisness at least for the main part of the house. I CAN DECORATE!!!
Now just the rest of the house needs to be painted. I wish my craft room would be done next cause then I can finally craft in my free time! I would be so happy I think then cause Just think of all the time I could waste in there turning out beautiful projects! Instead of wasting them staring at the wall or watching the dog fart. Just saying.

 He seriously farts a lot. Especially now that while we were grocery shopping last night, he decided to eat a bunch of starch from the seitan I made and tried to cook to see what happens. He was so bloated he wouldn't even eat supper and everyone who knows this dog knows that is entirely not normal at all. He was burping and burping. He lay around and spit up every once in a while when he'd try walk around. He was miserable. he hardly even begged by the table while we ate supper! Now today, it's FARTS AND FARTS.

So last night belches, today Farts. amazing to see the progress in motion of it flowing through his system! I'll share if you like! You can come over and watch him!

SO, I get the morning to myself cause my husband has an appointmet for work.
HMMM what should I do...

I could work in my garden and pull all the weeds.

I could sweep and mop.

I could clean my kitchen the rest of the way.

I could decorate.

I think my garden. I'm sick of looking at it and I know starting tomarrow, the rest of my house will get cleaned little by little each day before my next weekened off. I still need to be able to go through the garage with my husband so we can pick out the styles we want to keep and decorate with. On Friday, I finally cleared out part of the garage and organized a pretty large space and have lots of floor space in there now.

Well, gotta start on my day! Might write more later!
Celebrate and have a great day! Cause today I'm 25!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

waiting for the end :-)

HA HA I'm waiting!

Weirdo people. the end is coming the end is coming the end is coming........

HOOOO BOY! 4:44PM and I'm still alive and I havn't felt an earthquake or died yet.

Let me tell you a story. our neighbors just down the street spent big $$ on getting a metal roof put right over their old shingles. They finished a couple weeks ago. Yesterday, they had workers feverishly applying solar panels to the south side of their house.
Their windows have bars over them and they also have a metal screen door. Their whole house is reinforced. they can survive anything... all this within a month. are they planning on barricading themselves inside to avoid anything that may happen today?? I think they are kind of odd. I mean the only house for miles around with a metal roof. brick house, reinforced windows and doors, solar panels, in the middle of the city. what next?
I like to imagine they have about 3 rooms filled to the ceilings with food, water barrels, rifles and shells and toilet paper and...

The End

Just strange to see such weird behavior in your own neighborhood.

If I was rich, maybe I'd be doing the same thing, but I would move out of the city first... minus the bars. I wouldn't bother stockpiling the food and dry and paper goods either unless I was miles and miles from the store...

Why bother reinforcing the outside at all if you still have the plywood that covers the triangles above the brick holding the roof up on the sides of the house? anyone can cut a hole through there easily, sneak into the attic, and drop through the drywalled ceiling. not so reinforced if you think of it that way.

Anyways, back to the eminent doom of all living today. Do people actually think this is going to happen?? and my own neighbor thinks so and they'll survive through it and be the only ones alive on earth tomarrow cause they're invincible now.

I made some delishousness today and I had to eat some before it cooled down. It said to cook it on low 75 minutes, but I brought it to a boil and it thickened up within 1 minute. so I cooked it faster than instructed.
MMMMMM. It is Chinese Almond Pudding.
1 cup ground almonds (I course ground mine and have crunchy things to chew now so maybe almond flour next time or cook it 75 minutes- maybe softens it?)
1/2 cup glutinous rice flour
1/3 cup plus1 tablespoon if needed water
2 1/2 cups milk
1/2 cup granulated sugar

mix almonds, flour,water, till forms paste adding water as needed. stir in milk while stirring so no lumps form. cook on low stirring frequently so it doesn't stick 75 minutes till thick. add sugar, refrigerate 3 hours.

OR MY DIRECTIONS: (I have no patience)
follow all directions except set temp to med-high or high stirring constantly and fast with whisk. It thickens immediately and when it looks as thick as pudding, add sugar, stir very well, pour into bowls, put in fridge, reserving one to eat immediately. MMMMMM.

Never got the reasons why you have to cook some things so long. why do you want to cook the bajeebers out of something anyways? No nutrients are left in the end then. I like to fast cook trying to minimize the loss of nutrients. I cook all meats thoroughly though.

I am really enjoying my weekened. I have been sitting down doing nothing unless I want to and am noticing I have time to get back in tune with my body and really listen to what it tells me. I have time to figure out which foods havn't been agreeing with me, and I feel when my body is starting to feel tired, not when it just crashes.

and I am really enjoying the cleanliness of my house. like really enjoying it.

I have a weird supper in mind with what I have. any cooked meat I had frozen has been eaten by my husband when he has to fend for himself while I work, and I have no raw meat either, so beans and wild rice and canned potatoes it is. maybe I'll make a gravy to put over the potatoes... for dessert, chinese almond pudding! Or sherbet. I bought a huge bucket of it last night and my husband bought vanilla and chocolate syrup.

sounds like an easy meal. I am uncomfortably full of milky pudding right now though to feel like it'll all taste good together!

Well, I better go await my doom.

Write more tomarrow!
Have a great evening Cause I will. I'll be celebrating life. God will take us when he wants. not when someone else says he's going to.

Happy Day!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Waking up to chores

I am tired, but more rested. I slept well last night. my headache finally went away yesterday in the afternoon. It's such a relief.

I have lots of cleaning today so my house can be ready for the OFF weekened so I won't stress about cleaning it. So I have to clean my house, and go to work. We have family night tonight so it will be extra busy. I then have the office to clean after.

It seems I let some of the cleaning slip each day I had a headache, so today will be catchup. I was pleased to come home last night and my husband informed me the dishwasher was clean. HE DID THE DISHES! never mind I had loaded it almost full, he loaded the last few things and put it to go!

So I have a nice start to my last day of cleaning before the weekened!

The weather has been so strange this summer so far. It really hasn't been hot yet and with all these clouds and rain, we may just have a very wet thunderstormy sort of a summer huh? Would be fun I think cause it seems only when I was little it would rain for days and days and we would have a flooded deep puddly backyard. I remember sitting on the patio watching all the worms trying to save themselves, and for days afterwards, having to watch where you stepped on the sidewalk walking to school so you didn't step on a crunchy dried one! I also remember sitting on the patio with a blanket cause it was cold and listening to the rain amd feeling the wind, and also of watching where the rain came off the patio edges and it kicked up dirt, at all the glitter it uncovered sparkling in the water. Never knew who threw glitter down there before we moved in, but I was always facinated by it.

Anyways, I should get cleaning! I'm really looking foward to my weekened!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Clouds Clouds Go Away...

I'm getting sick of migraines. Today was a disaster to start. I got called in early to work- someone was sick... Again. We had channel 10 at work filming the Accordian Idol. Big Wup.

I was thrilled to learn that if I didn't sign the paper giving my permission to be on film, They weren't thrilled with me serving. so I sent 2 other servers up front to serve. Yay! They stood around with nothing to do... So they came back to help out cause we were so short. Good thing too cause I was stuck clearing and reseting the entire dining room by myself while the chef was stuck doing our backwork for the day while the only 2 servers were up front wasting their time getting a headache from the music as one put it.

Yesterday around lunchtime, I started getting pressure in my head-MIGRAINE START. I knew it was going to come on soon. It started getting worse after I got home, and I had a pretty horrible night trying to sleep. I woke up with it returned to pressure and my phone ringing calling me into work cause they were short on the floor. I stumbled around and got to work and ran around till they were caught up and then had to set up the snack table for the filming of "the great" Accordian Idol. OOOOHHHH. Excitment. Wish I was as thrilled as the residents who turned out in their Sunday best with their hair all done up with a chance to be on TV!

anyways, right before lunch, my head pressure turned into a full blown migraine, though not as bad as they can get. I told the chef I had a migraine and it was getting worse. After lunch, she asked me how it was, and I told her I don't dare eat cause I might throw up. a little while later, she looked at me and said You look terrible no offence. Go home. I told her my head feels terrible.
I was done with work 2:00 Just like that. after figuring out the details of the dinner plans with the servers that night and what to do cause the dishwasher was on bereavment leave, and making sure she'd be all right, I went home, and had to call my husband, then my mom, just to make sure I didn't fall asleep driving for the 1/2 hour it took to drive home.

I took tylonal and crawled into bed when I got home, and woke up 2 hours later with it at managable levels.

And I was starving! I realized that all I'd eaten all day with being woken up and leaving 10 minutes later, was a vitamin at home, and 2 muffins at work. That was it. so my husband ordered Dominoes. It seems every time I have a migraine, we get Pizza.

That was my day.

Exciting huh? wish It could have been you? You'd be strange to hope so.

I took these pictures on Sunday:
This is my impressive wild flower garden that requires no water. Eventually I'll trim it up nice and pretty.

I finally oiled the kitchen table. it's weird how light it turned up on camara though.

The bush, it grows taller still.

Cruiser surveying his land. The fearless protecter- notice the feirce eyes?

one of his better surprise shots. Maybe not posting material, but I did anyways so ha ha on you Cruiser take that! Ha! got him back for pulling me along on our runs!

anyways, I gotta go see if I can wash a load of laundry without bending over. I don't want my headache back full force again, I can handle the dull throbbing roar it's at right now. I need a shirt for work tomarrow though.

There are times I'm trully thankful we have technology today and I don't have to hike to the stream right now to beat it on rocks.

I just feel like doing that to my head is all.

Friday, May 13, 2011

I guess it didn't stay.

I thought I made a blog yesterday morning. But it's not there anymore. Why? I do know they were fixing Blogspot. Oh well. It's not in my drafts, and I guess I'm not going to worry about it.

I am rediculously sore today from my run yesterday, but not as sore as lastnight. Maybe my shoes are bad to run in, or it's the effects of a dog pulling you every which way while you're trying to run in a straight line.

Don't know. But I don't even dare post today cause what if they remove the posts from today as well? Then What? I guess I'll wait till tomarrow.

Have a great day!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I'm on a roll.

I've got the entire kitchen wiped down, wiped out the microwave and washed out 3 cupboards. I still have a few dishes to wash, and still need to scrub the stove with stove cleaner, and put the dishwasher to go.
I made breakfast this morning. I cut up 2 mangos, and some strawberries, and made scrambled eggs.

All before 8:30AM.

I'm going to go now and finish so I can go on a run with the dog. I have to leave at 10:30 to work, so I'm feeling quite proud of my accomplishments so far and had to share.

I'll maybe write more later if I don't get home too late from cleaning the office. I keep arguing with myself which is the better day to clean- Thursday, or Saturday. I keep going back to thinking Thursday is the best option with all that is going on, and then when it comes aound, I never have the time to clean and it ends up being on Saturday. Oh well. this week it'll be tonight for sure. I've too much to do this weekened.

See you later! Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Quite the day

Today was funny. It started out fine, I woke up, I ate, sat on the computer, exercised, took a shower and went to work. We had only 5 people for lunch, so I had a section, and served the picnic over in the lockdown facility. (it was so easy!) Then, efficient me got all caught up on all the backwork and when the next shift came on, we were ready to serve with 6 and one to train. The new server is one of the cooks' son. He is shy and extremely polite. I went around the dining roon training him with a red face in embaresment cause all the old ladies were swooning over him and grinning and giggling, and one even walked right up with her walker and grabbed his hand and asks is it all right to do this?

OH MY! it was so funny and those ladies have no modesty and are extremely unladylike. why on earth don't they look at the men their own age?!?!? I was so embaresed and even more when one of the other servers commented how red my face was! I hope the residents don't scare him away cause we don't have a lot of male servers and the residents always comment on where are all the guys?

HOOO BOY I don't know what to do with that place! I start laughing every time I remember it! AND HE'S THERE TOMARROW! I think I'll have him follow someone else around! I can't handle it!


E.M.B.A.R.E.S.I.N.G. is all it is. Don't they have any manners?

My husband just told me he was at a customer's house today. Their first name was Manfred. I think I've heard that name before.

It's weird cause I feel I have more energy and feel like running everywhere I go now. strange. I don't dare but go every other day so I don't burn out like I usually do when I start exercising!



Anyways, I'm going to go get ready for bed.
Have a good night!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Change of plans

I got a call this morning at 7:20 from one of the employees that they were sick and throwing up and had to go home. 10 minutes before they needed to serve breakfast. it takes me 30 minutes to drive there. I told her to go home and got ready and left. She was still there when I got there at 8:07.  ???????. common sense anyone?

Anyways, thats how my day started. I went for a run with the dog when I got home. It wasn't as hard as I imagined it to be! I got really tired of him pulling me though and I've got plans to buy a choke collar so I can have some kind of control over him instead of almost getting scraped knees and road rash trying to keep up with his pulling! (Good entertainment for the neighbors though!)

Maybe I could leave him at home next time but I feel that's not fair cause he loves getting out. Maybe with time it will get better also. I've plans to start running 3 times a week.

In April I made up a schedule to start exercising in May and so far have been doing pretty good at it. It's too simple. I am slowly working up strength till I can do a full exercise session. I found my weight should be between 111 and 146 based on my age and height. I'm within the range, but have pudge on my belly I can do without. So I've plans to exercise. Maybe tone up also. But we'll see. for now, I'm trying to eat healthier and drink tons of water. I've already noticed I can do pushups better already after a week of it!

I was so excited! I found out I have 20 hours paid time off! I wasn't getting any at all for the first year I worked there till we got the new Chef and she noticed. I've been working fulltime without getting benefits! Not fair! oh well! I will take a nice vacation for free this year!

Sheesh! I'm not out of breath, but I'm hoping my lungs will strenghthen as I run more and I won't have the burning sensation in my lungs after running soon! we'll see. I remember I always had that feeling when I was younger and ran the mile in school!

Guess I don't really have the greatest things to tell you today cause I worked all day, But I have the morning off tomarrow thankfully and will hopefully get to sleep in unlike today!

So I'll write more tomarrow!
Have a good night!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Today is disapearing fast!

It seems I just woke up! I got up around 7:20 this morning and I havn't got anything done at all not even exercise!

Hey! I uploaded a ton of videos from over the last 1/2 year!!!!!!  Check my YouTube channel to see them!
I have black bags under my eyes and I am in a fog of who knows what. maybe tiredness?

Last night at my mother and father in laws, me and my husband went over to his grandmothers house and looked at all the leftovers of her stuff after she moved in with them. They are also the yardsale rejects. I don't quite know why, but I was drawn to her candy dish and the blue glass container she had soap in which she kept in her bathroom. weird how I got them cause I always admired those 2 things whenever I cleaned her house. She always kept old-man-mints in the candy dish on her kitchen counter. the basket was also her's. I also love the color of the green glass candle holder and can imagine a pretty candle with glass stones in, and was pleasantly surprised to see no one else has my taste or they would have taken all of them. I guess I'm the odd one out. I also was shocked when I saw this book. look at the pair in the tree! the first thing out of my mouth was I have got to show this to my sister! She has the cutest coffee cups from when she was in Finland with the same characters on them!
I don't know why, but these things seem special to me. I guess cause I was always dusting them when I was there and I adore my husband's grandmother. She's so cute and these were her things she treasured and used. I think also, the candy dish reminds me of the one my mom had on the coffee table full of candy when I was little!
Meanwhile, the dog has been resting more than me today.
I'm jealous.

also, the weeds in my garden are competing with the lemon tree on who can grow taller. I guess this isn't the greatest of pictures cause the top of the weed looks like it merges into the telephone pole in the background. but it's shockingly tall all the same. I still need to take care of my garden. I seriously feel bad I've neglected it so long cause I was so excited to make it. I still love that I have a garden but don't dare use it cause I stress about watering it all the time I have something growing in it! I have too much to do right now in my life!

The burn on my arm is getting darker, but still doesn't hurt! I burned myself at camp. well twice, but the blister on my finger is almost gone.

That's how life has been for me today. uneventful, and lazy. I really should at least empty the dishwasher and exersise huh? then I can sleep tonight.

Well, I'll try write more tomarrow before work. Uggg work. I am not ready for work again. It seems I was just there yesterday! I havn't really had a break, but a real nice change in scenery for a weekened! So I'll work for 10 days and then get my restful 4 day weekened! Finally! I am planning on really doing my cleaning schedule so I can for sure savor the entire 4 days as "OFF."

So wish me luck I don't overtire myself doing just that and end up resting in the hospital instead! Cause I am in complete exhaustion like I have never been even since the time I had pnemonia and broncitis at the same time!

So ends my one day break and starts my 10 days of work.
Have a great evening!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I'm thoroughly exhausted


I finally crashed yesterday from exhaustion after I went on a hike. I was exhausted to begin with and falling asleep, but I wanted out of the kitchen and we had some free time and who wants to sleep when you can do that when it's dark? So I went on a hike with my husband. I was so tired afterwards I was falling asleep standing up and had to work hard to keep my eyes open till 10:00 When my husband finally agreed to go to sleep. I wasn't going to the cabin by myself cause monsters might eat me.

These 3 pictures were from earlier Saturday morning before we went on the hike. My husband, his cousin and me captured this 5 foot bull snake after a girl found it by the bathrooms. We decided to relocate it across the creek.
I think it was confused in the can.
It got even more confused when the gravity went sideways...
But after my husband dumped it, it figured out which way was up again and slithered away quickly with my husband chasing it further away.

Anyways, on our hike, I saw these and I took pictures of them. I would have liked to video the entire hike because it was so much fun, but..... anyways, we hiked the road till the fence, then cut across to the creek and followed it back down to the the campground.

this looked better in real life... the camara didn't want to capture the 3 hawks soaring in the breezes. like I said, it looked better in real life.
this picture is blurry...
Ferns! I think ferns are beautiful!
There were these purple flowers EVERYWHERE! by the creek, in the forest...
Notice the fly? I couldn't figure out if this was an apple tree, or some weird flowering maple or something... very delicate flowers anyways. and all over down by the sides of the creek.
I love how the roots looked on some of the trees by the creek where the water washed away the dirt!
almost like they're saying "nope, you stay here" to the rocks.
some more of the purple flowers. They are so pretty!
I wanted to blow this, but then I remembered how I always choose the ones that don't blow off so I took a picture of it and left it for the wind.
some yellow flowers.
cute little racoon and deer tracks! I think the racoon tracks are absolutely adorable!
So I took another picture.
this was weird cause I was in a dip in the land, and then on the other side was the same, but the picture doesn't show it at all, but I posted it anyways. You'd've had to have been there to know what I'm talking about. Ever do that? put 3 words together? looks weird. I made a new word- You-Would-Have -You'd've.
 I know-I'm talented.
I had to take a picture of this cause I saw this every once in a while. Why did the algae have to be so picky it could only grow on 2 rocks? There would be a rock here and there but not the entire stream... weird.
It was so pretty there! I love rock hopping! I did it all the time when I was little. It's so much fun cause I only brought 1 pair of shoes... lucky I had so much practice when I was little huh? My feet stayed dry. But there was that thrill and excitement everytime you had to cross where there wasn't enough rocks and they were loose and wobbly...
And of course I had to take a picture of this too. I wish I would've taken a picture of the huge elk tracks we saw too!

Here's the end. these flowers have always grown by the bridge since I was little.
Blurry close up.
I think they're pretty. probably cause they're purple and green...
Are these mushrooms? I'm not sure but they sure looked weird! I saw them every once in a while there. looks like they pushed up a chunk of dirt.

Anyways, I had fun, and camp was a nice break from work even though I am so tired and falling asleep writing this! It was worth it. I love working that camp, and even though this was the hardest one I had to work because I was so tired, I still had fun. If only I wasn't so tired before we left! I'm happy we had such a big crew this time!

I'm going to go now and finish up my day!

Friday, May 6, 2011


I decided you can see the stuff I have here.

I am happy. My backyard is finally clean! Well almost...
This is my Garden! Isn't it green and lush? It's growing with an overabundance can't you see? You can't? If you look closely, you can see some lettuce... I didn't plant it though it came up by itself. I havn't watered it either... can you tell?

Here are my trees- the orange, and the grapefruit. Behind it is my shamel bush.

isn't it cute? Just don't look up!

Hey! I told you not to look up! Never mind that it froze! it came back!

The other one is growing and growing and growing and ....
Here is the lemon tree! We found out why it grows so well! The neighbor told us he hoses off his patio. Often... so he waters our tree for free! Who would have thought the roots would grow so fast?

There's still tons of lemons on the inside of the tree! The ones falling off I'm finding are the badly frozen ones!

Look at the size of this pile! these are  about 18 gallon buckets.

And this one too!
some how we have to fit all this into the truck.
And also our bags of clothes and bedding!
My husband doesn't have a large truck bed though does he? I hope it fits.
Cruiser excitedly sitting. He doesn't know he's going to be all alone soon.
But he's a good boy isn't he?

Well, I got the office cleaned, but I am still dilly dallying and I have really got to get packing! So I'll write more after camp!

So see you later!