Thursday, May 12, 2011

I'm on a roll.

I've got the entire kitchen wiped down, wiped out the microwave and washed out 3 cupboards. I still have a few dishes to wash, and still need to scrub the stove with stove cleaner, and put the dishwasher to go.
I made breakfast this morning. I cut up 2 mangos, and some strawberries, and made scrambled eggs.

All before 8:30AM.

I'm going to go now and finish so I can go on a run with the dog. I have to leave at 10:30 to work, so I'm feeling quite proud of my accomplishments so far and had to share.

I'll maybe write more later if I don't get home too late from cleaning the office. I keep arguing with myself which is the better day to clean- Thursday, or Saturday. I keep going back to thinking Thursday is the best option with all that is going on, and then when it comes aound, I never have the time to clean and it ends up being on Saturday. Oh well. this week it'll be tonight for sure. I've too much to do this weekened.

See you later! Have a great day!

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