Sunday, May 29, 2011


Did you know Cruiser's name is spelled Cruizer? It is now. I never knew how we spelled it until I read the perscription bottle. That's how my husband spells his dog's name...

Anyways, he's still alive. He had a blood test, and had to have a stool sample taken and I heard he was quite the dog while the Dr. was trying to manipulate poop out. He even had to have a cloth muzzel placed over his face as a precaution. My husband brought him outside and collected a brilliant small dab of a bloody fecal sample. The dr. said it was enough, so now we'll hear back in a couple days what exactly is going on with him. Dr. also says Cruizer's tummy is tight. Dr. doesn't think it's blockage just yet, but if the test comes back negative, the next step is ex-rays if he's not better by then.

Probably parasites. HOOOO Boy are we going to get it too???

I'm excited!!! Wanna come over?

Anyways, the medication so far has stopped his diarreah and he hasn't thrown up since. In fact, he hasn't pooped since starting it... Will I get to sleep tonight?


1 comment:

  1. I hope CruiZer is doing better! I would be so worried too... Poor dog!
