Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday to me! Happy birthday to me-eeee! Happy Birthday to me!! !!

I am officially ancient. a quater of a centry old. And I feel no different than a feeling of ancientness. I mean I'm almost 30! only 5 more years! weird how just like that you're ancient!

Yesterday, I went grocery shopping 2 times! I baked 2 loaves of bread, 8 Seitan BBQ Burgers, spagetti with garlic french bread, and crumbcake. I feel efficient whenever I accomplish that much. And my kitchen is still mostly cleaned! I seriously ran the dishwasher twice yesterday, and it's a 1/3 full still just from yesterday! PU! thats a ton of dishes! I still have big dishes to wash by hand.

My husband finally painted the ceiling along the edges that had some wall paint on so now wer're back in buisness at least for the main part of the house. I CAN DECORATE!!!
Now just the rest of the house needs to be painted. I wish my craft room would be done next cause then I can finally craft in my free time! I would be so happy I think then cause Just think of all the time I could waste in there turning out beautiful projects! Instead of wasting them staring at the wall or watching the dog fart. Just saying.

 He seriously farts a lot. Especially now that while we were grocery shopping last night, he decided to eat a bunch of starch from the seitan I made and tried to cook to see what happens. He was so bloated he wouldn't even eat supper and everyone who knows this dog knows that is entirely not normal at all. He was burping and burping. He lay around and spit up every once in a while when he'd try walk around. He was miserable. he hardly even begged by the table while we ate supper! Now today, it's FARTS AND FARTS.

So last night belches, today Farts. amazing to see the progress in motion of it flowing through his system! I'll share if you like! You can come over and watch him!

SO, I get the morning to myself cause my husband has an appointmet for work.
HMMM what should I do...

I could work in my garden and pull all the weeds.

I could sweep and mop.

I could clean my kitchen the rest of the way.

I could decorate.

I think my garden. I'm sick of looking at it and I know starting tomarrow, the rest of my house will get cleaned little by little each day before my next weekened off. I still need to be able to go through the garage with my husband so we can pick out the styles we want to keep and decorate with. On Friday, I finally cleared out part of the garage and organized a pretty large space and have lots of floor space in there now.

Well, gotta start on my day! Might write more later!
Celebrate and have a great day! Cause today I'm 25!

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