Monday, May 9, 2011

Today is disapearing fast!

It seems I just woke up! I got up around 7:20 this morning and I havn't got anything done at all not even exercise!

Hey! I uploaded a ton of videos from over the last 1/2 year!!!!!!  Check my YouTube channel to see them!
I have black bags under my eyes and I am in a fog of who knows what. maybe tiredness?

Last night at my mother and father in laws, me and my husband went over to his grandmothers house and looked at all the leftovers of her stuff after she moved in with them. They are also the yardsale rejects. I don't quite know why, but I was drawn to her candy dish and the blue glass container she had soap in which she kept in her bathroom. weird how I got them cause I always admired those 2 things whenever I cleaned her house. She always kept old-man-mints in the candy dish on her kitchen counter. the basket was also her's. I also love the color of the green glass candle holder and can imagine a pretty candle with glass stones in, and was pleasantly surprised to see no one else has my taste or they would have taken all of them. I guess I'm the odd one out. I also was shocked when I saw this book. look at the pair in the tree! the first thing out of my mouth was I have got to show this to my sister! She has the cutest coffee cups from when she was in Finland with the same characters on them!
I don't know why, but these things seem special to me. I guess cause I was always dusting them when I was there and I adore my husband's grandmother. She's so cute and these were her things she treasured and used. I think also, the candy dish reminds me of the one my mom had on the coffee table full of candy when I was little!
Meanwhile, the dog has been resting more than me today.
I'm jealous.

also, the weeds in my garden are competing with the lemon tree on who can grow taller. I guess this isn't the greatest of pictures cause the top of the weed looks like it merges into the telephone pole in the background. but it's shockingly tall all the same. I still need to take care of my garden. I seriously feel bad I've neglected it so long cause I was so excited to make it. I still love that I have a garden but don't dare use it cause I stress about watering it all the time I have something growing in it! I have too much to do right now in my life!

The burn on my arm is getting darker, but still doesn't hurt! I burned myself at camp. well twice, but the blister on my finger is almost gone.

That's how life has been for me today. uneventful, and lazy. I really should at least empty the dishwasher and exersise huh? then I can sleep tonight.

Well, I'll try write more tomarrow before work. Uggg work. I am not ready for work again. It seems I was just there yesterday! I havn't really had a break, but a real nice change in scenery for a weekened! So I'll work for 10 days and then get my restful 4 day weekened! Finally! I am planning on really doing my cleaning schedule so I can for sure savor the entire 4 days as "OFF."

So wish me luck I don't overtire myself doing just that and end up resting in the hospital instead! Cause I am in complete exhaustion like I have never been even since the time I had pnemonia and broncitis at the same time!

So ends my one day break and starts my 10 days of work.
Have a great evening!

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