Monday, May 2, 2011

Waiting for a call

I called my aunt lastnight because I havn't heard from anyone about which camp I'm supposed to go to cook at. I couldn't get ahold of her so I left a message. If I don't receive back word, and no one calls me, does that mean I'm not needed? I still am awaiting confirmation.....    Hello? someone call me..... I havn't any idea who is in charge of all the planning....

I'm still kinda hoping they didn't put me on any camp because I forgot to sign up. But you'd think someone would call to make sure that all the people on their commitee would know about it to show up for it right????

I still am sleeping during the night and the bed is softening up. Cruiser's still alive and well, farting like usual (in other words, back to normal).

Not much else has happened here. I havn't written because I have nothing interesting to post about my life at the moment.

But wouldn't it be exciting if I didn't have to go to camp and could just stay at home and rest? I'm hoping so, but will go if I'm needed. But I definetly feel I'm not going to pack yet until I receive confirmation that I'm for sure on the camp commitee. (just hope I don't hear about it the day of). I would feel bad if no one calls me until after asking why I didn't go because I know when your on they need you but I guess if no one tells me I'm on, and when and where I'm supposed to be and go, I'll not have to worry cause I wouldn't have known then.

I just don't like this waiting part. and the not knowing. I'll be first to sign up for next year so I know for sure which camp or baking commitee I'm on for.

I would just walk around with a camara here just so I have some sort of pictures to post today, but my camara battery is dead and I don't feel like waiting for it to charge. So sorry! I'll charge it and then take pictures and post next time.

Hope you have a nice day!

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