Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Remember my garden looked like this yesterday morning?
Now it looks like this:
BIG improvement huh? Not really, but I did spend about 2 hours out there scraping up weeds, and raking and pulling weeds, etc...

This weed is taller than the dog.
remember this weed? The one thats competing to be taller than our lemon tree?
Yup, it's taller than me too. It sure put up a big fight, and I had to be content with just breaking off the branches near the ground. It has a prety good root system going.

Am I the only weirdo who lets their lettuce's bolt? I just love how they look. These came up by themselves this year. I let the seeds fly last year. I like this type of lettuce though and don't mind.
Here's the weed pile. It's taller than the dog.
I put it all in the dumpster today. My patio is clean and my garden is getting there.
Couldn't ask for more. I am so much more relaxed now that my house is staying clean finally, and am really liking the results of sticking to my scedualed plan for cleaning. it works! I love my chart!
Today was cleaning the backyard, and sweeping the front and back patios. tomarrow is rest.

I have a feeling tomarrow will be a good day!
Anyways, goodnight and don't let the bedbugs bite!

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