Saturday, May 21, 2011

waiting for the end :-)

HA HA I'm waiting!

Weirdo people. the end is coming the end is coming the end is coming........

HOOOO BOY! 4:44PM and I'm still alive and I havn't felt an earthquake or died yet.

Let me tell you a story. our neighbors just down the street spent big $$ on getting a metal roof put right over their old shingles. They finished a couple weeks ago. Yesterday, they had workers feverishly applying solar panels to the south side of their house.
Their windows have bars over them and they also have a metal screen door. Their whole house is reinforced. they can survive anything... all this within a month. are they planning on barricading themselves inside to avoid anything that may happen today?? I think they are kind of odd. I mean the only house for miles around with a metal roof. brick house, reinforced windows and doors, solar panels, in the middle of the city. what next?
I like to imagine they have about 3 rooms filled to the ceilings with food, water barrels, rifles and shells and toilet paper and...

The End

Just strange to see such weird behavior in your own neighborhood.

If I was rich, maybe I'd be doing the same thing, but I would move out of the city first... minus the bars. I wouldn't bother stockpiling the food and dry and paper goods either unless I was miles and miles from the store...

Why bother reinforcing the outside at all if you still have the plywood that covers the triangles above the brick holding the roof up on the sides of the house? anyone can cut a hole through there easily, sneak into the attic, and drop through the drywalled ceiling. not so reinforced if you think of it that way.

Anyways, back to the eminent doom of all living today. Do people actually think this is going to happen?? and my own neighbor thinks so and they'll survive through it and be the only ones alive on earth tomarrow cause they're invincible now.

I made some delishousness today and I had to eat some before it cooled down. It said to cook it on low 75 minutes, but I brought it to a boil and it thickened up within 1 minute. so I cooked it faster than instructed.
MMMMMM. It is Chinese Almond Pudding.
1 cup ground almonds (I course ground mine and have crunchy things to chew now so maybe almond flour next time or cook it 75 minutes- maybe softens it?)
1/2 cup glutinous rice flour
1/3 cup plus1 tablespoon if needed water
2 1/2 cups milk
1/2 cup granulated sugar

mix almonds, flour,water, till forms paste adding water as needed. stir in milk while stirring so no lumps form. cook on low stirring frequently so it doesn't stick 75 minutes till thick. add sugar, refrigerate 3 hours.

OR MY DIRECTIONS: (I have no patience)
follow all directions except set temp to med-high or high stirring constantly and fast with whisk. It thickens immediately and when it looks as thick as pudding, add sugar, stir very well, pour into bowls, put in fridge, reserving one to eat immediately. MMMMMM.

Never got the reasons why you have to cook some things so long. why do you want to cook the bajeebers out of something anyways? No nutrients are left in the end then. I like to fast cook trying to minimize the loss of nutrients. I cook all meats thoroughly though.

I am really enjoying my weekened. I have been sitting down doing nothing unless I want to and am noticing I have time to get back in tune with my body and really listen to what it tells me. I have time to figure out which foods havn't been agreeing with me, and I feel when my body is starting to feel tired, not when it just crashes.

and I am really enjoying the cleanliness of my house. like really enjoying it.

I have a weird supper in mind with what I have. any cooked meat I had frozen has been eaten by my husband when he has to fend for himself while I work, and I have no raw meat either, so beans and wild rice and canned potatoes it is. maybe I'll make a gravy to put over the potatoes... for dessert, chinese almond pudding! Or sherbet. I bought a huge bucket of it last night and my husband bought vanilla and chocolate syrup.

sounds like an easy meal. I am uncomfortably full of milky pudding right now though to feel like it'll all taste good together!

Well, I better go await my doom.

Write more tomarrow!
Have a great evening Cause I will. I'll be celebrating life. God will take us when he wants. not when someone else says he's going to.

Happy Day!

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