Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Clouds Clouds Go Away...

I'm getting sick of migraines. Today was a disaster to start. I got called in early to work- someone was sick... Again. We had channel 10 at work filming the Accordian Idol. Big Wup.

I was thrilled to learn that if I didn't sign the paper giving my permission to be on film, They weren't thrilled with me serving. so I sent 2 other servers up front to serve. Yay! They stood around with nothing to do... So they came back to help out cause we were so short. Good thing too cause I was stuck clearing and reseting the entire dining room by myself while the chef was stuck doing our backwork for the day while the only 2 servers were up front wasting their time getting a headache from the music as one put it.

Yesterday around lunchtime, I started getting pressure in my head-MIGRAINE START. I knew it was going to come on soon. It started getting worse after I got home, and I had a pretty horrible night trying to sleep. I woke up with it returned to pressure and my phone ringing calling me into work cause they were short on the floor. I stumbled around and got to work and ran around till they were caught up and then had to set up the snack table for the filming of "the great" Accordian Idol. OOOOHHHH. Excitment. Wish I was as thrilled as the residents who turned out in their Sunday best with their hair all done up with a chance to be on TV!

anyways, right before lunch, my head pressure turned into a full blown migraine, though not as bad as they can get. I told the chef I had a migraine and it was getting worse. After lunch, she asked me how it was, and I told her I don't dare eat cause I might throw up. a little while later, she looked at me and said You look terrible no offence. Go home. I told her my head feels terrible.
I was done with work 2:00 Just like that. after figuring out the details of the dinner plans with the servers that night and what to do cause the dishwasher was on bereavment leave, and making sure she'd be all right, I went home, and had to call my husband, then my mom, just to make sure I didn't fall asleep driving for the 1/2 hour it took to drive home.

I took tylonal and crawled into bed when I got home, and woke up 2 hours later with it at managable levels.

And I was starving! I realized that all I'd eaten all day with being woken up and leaving 10 minutes later, was a vitamin at home, and 2 muffins at work. That was it. so my husband ordered Dominoes. It seems every time I have a migraine, we get Pizza.

That was my day.

Exciting huh? wish It could have been you? You'd be strange to hope so.

I took these pictures on Sunday:
This is my impressive wild flower garden that requires no water. Eventually I'll trim it up nice and pretty.

I finally oiled the kitchen table. it's weird how light it turned up on camara though.

The bush, it grows taller still.

Cruiser surveying his land. The fearless protecter- notice the feirce eyes?

one of his better surprise shots. Maybe not posting material, but I did anyways so ha ha on you Cruiser take that! Ha! got him back for pulling me along on our runs!

anyways, I gotta go see if I can wash a load of laundry without bending over. I don't want my headache back full force again, I can handle the dull throbbing roar it's at right now. I need a shirt for work tomarrow though.

There are times I'm trully thankful we have technology today and I don't have to hike to the stream right now to beat it on rocks.

I just feel like doing that to my head is all.

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