Sunday, May 29, 2011

Scary Scary

I am very worried about Cruiser. Here's how he looks today:
A few days ago, he started acting lazy and not himself, and then 2 days ago, started to go diarreah with blood spots in it. He then passed some wood chips. He hasn't been eating very well either. He still has bloody diarreah. Yesterday, my husband called a few vets and they all said basically the same thing: Feed him cooked ground beef and rice for a couple of days and if nothing changes, bring him in. It could be a parisite. They all say it doesn't sound like Parvo.

Now today, I woke up to him throwing up. I was tired. He got me up 2 times during the night to go diarreah. Went to bed 10:30, got up 2:30, and 3:30. Woke up 6:30 to him puking. After I got up, I realized there were 2 spots to clean up. about 4 piles each place. I had to clean it up or it would dry. Not the best night of sleep I've ever had...

This dog is really starting to worry me and annoy me at the same time. I have tried all I can do to get him to stop eating things he shouldn't, and he does anyways as soon as you turn your back or leave. And so now we probably should take him in. My husband doesn't want to spend money on him, but I don't want a dead dog.

Lastnight we bought him beef, and I cooked it up and make a big pot of rice. He had meatloaf and rice lastnight cause we had no plain beef in the house at suppertime. So now today is the first day he is to get his special food and I don't dare feed it to him.

He is not himself at all. He keeps moving to a different spot and lying down trying to get comfortable and groans every once in a while. He is in pain and just started coughing/gagging today after throwing up- twice now. I'm wondering if he has woodchips in his belly he's trying to throw up.

I still stick to my theory he has a peice of woodchip lodged in his interstines, but the vets all say as long as he's passing, he doesn't have a blockage. But what about a partial blockage???

I don't know what to do, and I have work today, and probably no vets are opened Sunday, so it will probably be a pet hospital which will be expensive$$. And my husband will have to take him in cause I have work. FUN.

So, That's what has been going on this entire week. I have been too worried to write or do much of anything.

Hope you have a better day!

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