Sunday, May 8, 2011

I'm thoroughly exhausted


I finally crashed yesterday from exhaustion after I went on a hike. I was exhausted to begin with and falling asleep, but I wanted out of the kitchen and we had some free time and who wants to sleep when you can do that when it's dark? So I went on a hike with my husband. I was so tired afterwards I was falling asleep standing up and had to work hard to keep my eyes open till 10:00 When my husband finally agreed to go to sleep. I wasn't going to the cabin by myself cause monsters might eat me.

These 3 pictures were from earlier Saturday morning before we went on the hike. My husband, his cousin and me captured this 5 foot bull snake after a girl found it by the bathrooms. We decided to relocate it across the creek.
I think it was confused in the can.
It got even more confused when the gravity went sideways...
But after my husband dumped it, it figured out which way was up again and slithered away quickly with my husband chasing it further away.

Anyways, on our hike, I saw these and I took pictures of them. I would have liked to video the entire hike because it was so much fun, but..... anyways, we hiked the road till the fence, then cut across to the creek and followed it back down to the the campground.

this looked better in real life... the camara didn't want to capture the 3 hawks soaring in the breezes. like I said, it looked better in real life.
this picture is blurry...
Ferns! I think ferns are beautiful!
There were these purple flowers EVERYWHERE! by the creek, in the forest...
Notice the fly? I couldn't figure out if this was an apple tree, or some weird flowering maple or something... very delicate flowers anyways. and all over down by the sides of the creek.
I love how the roots looked on some of the trees by the creek where the water washed away the dirt!
almost like they're saying "nope, you stay here" to the rocks.
some more of the purple flowers. They are so pretty!
I wanted to blow this, but then I remembered how I always choose the ones that don't blow off so I took a picture of it and left it for the wind.
some yellow flowers.
cute little racoon and deer tracks! I think the racoon tracks are absolutely adorable!
So I took another picture.
this was weird cause I was in a dip in the land, and then on the other side was the same, but the picture doesn't show it at all, but I posted it anyways. You'd've had to have been there to know what I'm talking about. Ever do that? put 3 words together? looks weird. I made a new word- You-Would-Have -You'd've.
 I know-I'm talented.
I had to take a picture of this cause I saw this every once in a while. Why did the algae have to be so picky it could only grow on 2 rocks? There would be a rock here and there but not the entire stream... weird.
It was so pretty there! I love rock hopping! I did it all the time when I was little. It's so much fun cause I only brought 1 pair of shoes... lucky I had so much practice when I was little huh? My feet stayed dry. But there was that thrill and excitement everytime you had to cross where there wasn't enough rocks and they were loose and wobbly...
And of course I had to take a picture of this too. I wish I would've taken a picture of the huge elk tracks we saw too!

Here's the end. these flowers have always grown by the bridge since I was little.
Blurry close up.
I think they're pretty. probably cause they're purple and green...
Are these mushrooms? I'm not sure but they sure looked weird! I saw them every once in a while there. looks like they pushed up a chunk of dirt.

Anyways, I had fun, and camp was a nice break from work even though I am so tired and falling asleep writing this! It was worth it. I love working that camp, and even though this was the hardest one I had to work because I was so tired, I still had fun. If only I wasn't so tired before we left! I'm happy we had such a big crew this time!

I'm going to go now and finish up my day!

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