Thursday, May 19, 2011

Waking up to chores

I am tired, but more rested. I slept well last night. my headache finally went away yesterday in the afternoon. It's such a relief.

I have lots of cleaning today so my house can be ready for the OFF weekened so I won't stress about cleaning it. So I have to clean my house, and go to work. We have family night tonight so it will be extra busy. I then have the office to clean after.

It seems I let some of the cleaning slip each day I had a headache, so today will be catchup. I was pleased to come home last night and my husband informed me the dishwasher was clean. HE DID THE DISHES! never mind I had loaded it almost full, he loaded the last few things and put it to go!

So I have a nice start to my last day of cleaning before the weekened!

The weather has been so strange this summer so far. It really hasn't been hot yet and with all these clouds and rain, we may just have a very wet thunderstormy sort of a summer huh? Would be fun I think cause it seems only when I was little it would rain for days and days and we would have a flooded deep puddly backyard. I remember sitting on the patio watching all the worms trying to save themselves, and for days afterwards, having to watch where you stepped on the sidewalk walking to school so you didn't step on a crunchy dried one! I also remember sitting on the patio with a blanket cause it was cold and listening to the rain amd feeling the wind, and also of watching where the rain came off the patio edges and it kicked up dirt, at all the glitter it uncovered sparkling in the water. Never knew who threw glitter down there before we moved in, but I was always facinated by it.

Anyways, I should get cleaning! I'm really looking foward to my weekened!
Have a great day!

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